Chapter 36: Scouting & Auditioning

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As the concert ended, I waited until the stage beneath us lowered into the pit. As soon as the stage stopped moving, I walked backstage to see the workers gathering around and clapping wildly. I smiled proudly and moved my mic bit aside. The boys all gave me a pat on the back and ruffled my hair.

"Great job!" Kwangmin said, walking over on crutches.

"Oh, you poor baby," I whined, putting my hands on his shoulders. 

"Oh, don't worry about me. The doctor took great care of me. He said I might have a few bruises on my stomach," Kwangmin pouted and looked at the ground. He lifted up his shirt. "Will you kiss my booboo?"

I looked at him blankly. Donghyun and Hyun Seong walked by, hooking him by the arms and dragging him away.

"Yeah, too far," Donghyun said.

"I'll kill you," Hyun Seong threatened.

I giggled at the boys and watched as a middle aged man walked up, clapping his hands slowly. 

"Great job, indeed. Go ____, yes?" He asked, putting his hand out.

"Yes, hello," I greeted, taking his hand. 

"Nice to meet you. I am Boyfriend's manager. You are an amazing talent, I just want you to know that," the manager commented.

"Oh, thank you," I gasped, blushing.

"Starship is having an audition this June 4th at 12pm. I would love if you could stop by and try it out. It'd be shameful to waste your talent," the manager gave me his card and a flyer.

Donghyun suddenly came in and snatched the flyer from me. "Oh, she won't need this..." He walked over to my backpack and pulled out my crumpled old flyer. "She already has one."

All of the boys' mouths opened in surprise and excitement. "Go ___!" They shouted in unison.

They ran over and surrounded me, pushing the manager out of the picture. 

"You're auditioning for Starship?" Youngmin asked.

"Uh," I stammered.

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