Chapter 26: Spit It Out

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I sighed loudly and stretched my arms over my head.

"So, how's it going?" I asked Kwangmin.

"Oh, oh, you know, just dandy," Kwangmin stammered.

Dandy? Are you an idiot? No one uses that word anymore... Kwangmin thought to himself, smacking his forehead with his palm.

"That's nice," I replied, not sure what to say.

As we walked along the busy park sidewalk, Kwangmin stared at me intensely, not saying a word. I looked at him nervously and slightly chuckled.

"What'cha staring at?" I asked.

"Oh, um, it's nothing. You look.... how do I say... shining today," Kwangmin said quietly.

"What?" I asked, not hearing what he said.

"I said we should go for some ice cream!" Kwangmin replied quickly.

We arrived a large lake side dock. I watched in amusement at all the street performers on the dock. There were magicians, singers, and even mimes doing small shows around the dock.

"Wow," I gasped.

"Hm? You've never been here?" Kwangmin asked.

"Not really. To be honest, ever since I've been here, I barely get out or do anything because... well... you know, I was busy with Mi Yun stuff," I explained. "I guess I haven't really been living Korean life to the fullest."

"Well, you, Miss Go _____, are in for a treat. Let's go!" Kwangmin shouted, grabbing my wrist and running off.

We first went to a photo booth. Kwangmin and I posed in different silly ways and got our pictures taken. It was hilarious to see the look on people's faces as they passed by and spotted the picture printing out. Kwangmin then proceded to take me over to an "insert your face" picture area. He stuffed his head into a random hole and I followed in his footsteps. After looking down and noticing what the board was, we laughed. Kwangmin was a lady in a bikini laying on the beach while I was a muscular man flexing his muscles. After laughing our heads off, Kwangmin offered to get some ice cream for the two of us. Together we walked to the stand and ordered. As we walked to the stand, I noticed a skill crane off in the distance full of pokemon stuffies. I laughed at the thought, seeing as Kwangmin loves Pikachu.

"What flavor do you like?" Kwangmin asked.

"Pick one for me," I replied.

"Hm," Kwangmin stopped and thought about it. "Give me two vanilla/choco swirl cones."

Kwangmin looked to me for approval and I nodded. As we enjoyed our ice cream, I accidentally hit Kwangmin's cone with my arm and ice cream smeared on his face. His jaw dropped in surprise.

"You did that on purpose!" He shouted, pointing at me and smiling.

"No, I didn't! I swear!" I apologized, running from him.

He began chasing me around with his ice cream. After finally catching me, instead of smearing ice cream on my face, he decided to take a big bite out of my ice cream instead.

"Yum," he commented with his arms wrapped around me.

As we strolled along the dock, checking out the shopping stalls, I laid eyes upon a small jewlery stand run by an old woman. I stopped in front of the stand and checked out all the trinkets she had.

"Omo, are you looking for couple's jewlery?" She asked.

"Oh, no! It's not like," I said, shaking my head.

Kwangmin clamped his hand over my mouth. "Yes, do you have anything that would look good on the little miss here?"

"You're in luck, I have this adorable necklace that just came in yesterday," she said, pulling a necklace out.

It was a couple's necklace all right. It was a heart with a pair of wings. The heart split right down the middle, dividing into two seperate pendants.

"Oh, wow, isn't it pretty?" Kwangmin asked me.

I looked at it and shrugged. Then I laid my eyes upon a pretty ying and yang necklace. Kwangmin saw how I looked at the necklace and became interested. Before he could say anything, I grabbed him by the arm and began leading him away.

"Sorry, m'am. I'll come back some other time! We have some business to do right now," I called out to the lady.

The lady kindly waved at us and sat down in her chair. The sun began setting and I decided it was time to go home.

"Okay, that's enough fun for today," I said to Kwangmin.

Kwangmin started jumping up and down in his spot. "Uh, be right back, I need to go to the bathroom real quick."

Kwangmin ran off and I waited at the entrance of the dock. After a long, long bathroom break, Kwangmin came back. As we walked back to the fountain, Kwangmin started to talk but kept hesistating. I jabbed him in the side.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Oh, um, it's just... there's something that I really want to tell you," Kwangmin babbled.

"What's that?" I questioned, curious.

"You see... It's just that... I.... you.... we..." He struggled to speak his mind.

"Spit it out," I urged, poking him in the side, causing him to jerk away.

"Hey, stop, hah," he laughed. He sighed and looked at the ground. "Uh, nevermind. It was nothing."

He began pulling something out of his pocket but decided to put it back in. Youngmin was still waiting for us back at the fountain, quite impatiently, actually. As we walked up to him, he angrily slapped his little brother on the head and then began laughing. The two shared a couple of insults back and forth and laughed loudly. I spent another night at the Sistar's dorm. While I was watching TV, the bell suddenly rang and Hyorin went to open it.

"Omo, what's this? Go ____, it seems like you have a delivery," Hyorin called.

I got up and walked over to the door. On the welcome mat was a little Pichu doll wearing the ying half of the ying yang necklace I saw with a little sign that said "Go _____". The Pichu was sitting on top of a small pokeball shaped card. I picked up the doll and looked at the card.

You are the ying to my yang

You are the moon to my night,

And the sun to my morning.

I just wanted to let you know...

If I had to pick a starter...


-Ice Cream Face

I laughed at the card. No doubt I knew it was Kwangmin.

I wonder where the other half is... what a dork. I smiled.

Back at the Boyfriend dorm, Kwangmin twiddled the yang pendant between his fingers. He smiled blissfully then put the necklace on.







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