Chapter 12: Blackmails and Disasters

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"______ah! I'm going to be the laughing stock of the faculty!" Auntie sobbed.

"What do you mean, auntie? Are you okay?" I said, consoling her.

"Mi Yun was suppose to perform in the talent contest to represent our class but now she says that if you don't stop hanging out with Boyfriend," Auntie said.

"Wait, didn't she do this last year? What do you think you're doing, Kim Mi Yun?" I shouted.

"You heard right. Tell them what happened last year when I didn't show up," Mi Yun hissed.

"I was named lamest teach of the year and they even isolated my teacher's desk in the faculty room. If I lose the talent show again this year, I'll be the shame of the school and they'll cut my math supply budget. I'll have to use my own money to buy supplies!" Auntie bawled.

Mi Yun leaned into my face. "You heard her. It's either her or Boyfriend."

I looked to the boys then at my crying aunt. Before I could reply, Dong Hyun jumped in.

"Wait, auntie, does it have to be Mi Yun?" Dong Hyun asked.

"N-no, as long as I get a new entry in before the show. But who would be prepared at a like this? The show is tomorrow morning!" Auntie said.

"How about instead of Mi Yun... we do it?" Dong Hyun asked.

"What?!" Mi Yun asked. "Stay out of this."

Hyun Seong stuck a biscotti in Mi Yun's mouth. "I suggest you keep quiet while others speak."

"You... you would do that for me?" Auntie asked.

"On one condition," Dong Hyun smiled mischieviously. "Go ______ has to perform with us."

I shook my head. "No! No! No! I won't do it! I refuse!"

"Oh, Go ____, please! For me. Your poor auntie who got you into this school," Auntie whined.

I looked at her tear drenched face and gave in. "Fine."

"Hurray!" Everyone cheered.

Mi Yun growled and walked off.






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