Chapter 21: The Sistar Sisters

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"Welcome to the Sistar dorm!" Hyorin greeted.

"Hey, Hyorin!" Dong Hyun greeted.

"Oh, oppa! What's up?" Dasom asked.

"Just dropping off my friend here. Would you mind if she stayed here tonight?" Dong Hyun asked.

"Of course!" Hyorin replied.

Hyun Seong pushed me into the room and handed me my backpack.

"Sweet dreams!" Dong Hyun and Hyun Seong said, closing the door.

"Bye?" I said in confusion.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned around. The four girls stared back at me in awe.

"Uh, hi!" I squeaked nervously.

"Oh, she's so cute, just like the boys said!" Soyou squealed.

I chuckled slightly. "They talk about me?"

"Oh, all the time," Hyorin replied.

"More like all day, every day," Bora interjected.

"That's... nice," I smiled.

"Okay, well, make yourself at home dearie," Hyorin said sweetly.

"Oh, of course you need some clothes to wash up with," Dasom stated, tossing a pair of pajamas at me. "You look my size, so I hope you'll be comfortable in them."

"Thanks!" I perked up.

Their bathroom was completely adorable. Their toothbrushes were aligned in a straight row, their robes hung on seperate hooks with name tags above each hook, and everything was either red, purple, black, yellow, or green. I quickly took off my clothes and showered. I dried my hair with a towel as I walked out.

"Dearie! Come over here," Dasom called.

I quickly scurried over to the living room and sat down next to Bora.

"So, let's talk about love," Bora said. "Who's your favorite Boyfriend member?"

"Uh, it's a bit sudden to ask me that," I said, shrinking in my seat.

"Oh, come on, you can tell us," Soyou insisted.

I sighed. "Well, I don't really have a favorie. Every single member has something special that I like. Dong Hyun is strong and protective. Hyun Seong is sweet and understanding. Jeongmin is playful and romantic. Youngmin is funny and serious when need be. Kwangmin is sensitive and caring. Minwoo is child like yet so manly when he's doing what he loves."

"Aw," the Sistars cooed.

"Were you a fan before you became friends?" Dasom asked.

"Uh... um... well," I stuttered awkwardly.

"Hm?" The Sistars hummed, leaning in towards me.

"Actually yes.. but I didn't want to tell them. I'm actually a huge fan. Not overly obsessed... but huge! I just didn't want them to see me as just another fan and, you know, disregard me," I explained quickly.

Especially because I was afraid of Mi Yun...

"Now, tell us the truth... have you had any diffuculties since you became friends?" Hyorin asked.

My smile slowly faded. "Um, yeah, actually I have."

"What kinds?" Hyorin followed up.

"Oh, you know, jealous girls... uncertainty about things... that weird squeeze I get around my heart... some injuries. Nothing much," I said slowly.

"Wait, wait, weird squeeze around your heart?" Bora interrupted.

The girls turned to each other and squealed.

"That's called love, sweetie," Bora said mater-of-factly.

"Oh... um.. then we might have a problem," I muttered.

"What?" Hyorin questioned.

"That happens a lot actually... whenever I'm around all of them," I said.

The Sistars blinked and said nothing.

"Well this is awkward," Soyou hummed.

"How about we move onto a different subject?" Dasom asked.

"Now, what about those jealous girls and those injuries? Related?" Bora asked.

I moved my lips back and forth nervously. "Yes... you see there's this girl name Mi Yun. I moved here when I was in 7th grade, and basically, she's been my bully since then. Ever since I became friends with Boyfriend, though, she's been getting even more serious. Just a few days ago, before the talent contest, she pushed me down the stairs and I twisted my ankle."

"Oh, you poor thing," Dasom whispered, putting her hand on my knee.

"Well, you know what, boys will be boys, but sisters are there for you. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to give us a call. Kay?" Hyorin said.

"From here on out, you are an honorary Sistar," Soyou announced, standing on her feet.

We began to talk for hours before everyone became exhausted and went to bed. That night, I felt as if I gained four new sisters. I guess Hyorin is right. Though boys can protect you and be there for you, the people who will really understand you will be your "sisters."







BECOME MY FAN! PLEASE?? <---------------

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