Chapter 55: Fourth Surprise! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ♫・*:.。. .。.:*・

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On the tour bus, the boys dragged me unwillingly into a seat between Jeongmin and Minwoo. The three of us happily talked among ourselves as Youngmin popped up from behind us, trying to get into the conversation. Kwangmin stared intensley at me, not blinking even once. Donghyun gave him a funny looked before covering Kwangmin's eyes.

"What are you doing, hyung?" Kwangmin asked, pushing Donghyun's hand away.

"What's on your mind?" Donghyun asked, ignoring Kwangmin's question.

Kwangmin blushed profusely at the question. He nervously looked into his lap.

"Nothing," he replied.

"It cant be nothing. Youre burning holes into poor mIn Hee's Head for goodness sakes," Donghyun chuckled. "Spill it."

It's just.... I havent seen Go min Hee for six years now, and weve been dating long distance for all that time. I mean seriously, six years is a long time! I mean, i really love her. I jsut dont know how to show her. What should I do?? >____< Im a failure in love. OTL

Donghyun grinned frome ar to ear at the message and began writing his reply. Kwangmin opened the message and read it quietly to himself.

Oh, really? :)))) How much do you love her? From a scale from 1- 10.

Kwangmin stopped and pondered at the question before texting his reply.

On a scale from 1-10 o_O? Um... now that I think about it.. is infinity a number?

Donghyun gwaped at the message and stomped his feet on the floor of the bus gaining attention from the other residents. DOnghyun put his hand up sheepishly and apologized, losing the attention. He then quickly typed his reply, laughing like an idiot.

Oh, my god, dude, your so in love. Its not even funny how far youve fallen! LOL. All right, because your so desperate for my expertise advice, ill help you out. What kind of date are you going for?

Kwangmin once again pondered the question.

I dont know.. I guess something really romantic.. SOmething like Jeongmin hyung's date he ahd with her only without the shopping, just a lot of bonding. I want to have that kind of date where Min Hee just enjoys herself and im content just from watching her. I want her to smile and only look at me. I want to have that kind of date where i can really show her how much I lvoe her. I want to just pour all my feelings out to her... I just.. Im not the best at expressing my feelings. You know?

Donghyun intently looked at the message.

All right, slow down Romeo. Heres what i say you do:

-First, if you really want to bond, youve got to get her alone. Go for a private date.

Second, take her for a dinner. One thing i know is that girls love a home cooked meal made by their man. If you prepare a romantic dinner alone for two, i guarantee shell never get enough of you.

Lastly, if you really want to show her your feeling, write her a song or something. Or a poem. CHicks dig poems.

Some important things to remember:

=Dress to impress

=Woo her over, smooth talk

=Make sure to be absolutely flirty, girls like that

=Dont be too eager about expressing your feelings

=Its all about her

Most of all just have a good time. Make her feel good and special. If you really want to be adventurous, play hard to get.

Kwangmin looked at the text with a face as if he just discovered the secret to life. Kwangmin stood up abruptly, startling Donghyun.

"This is brilliant!" Kwangmin shouted, beaming.

"What is?" Hyunseong asked, turning around in his chair.

"Uh," Kwangmin looked at all the people looking at him. He quickly pointed to the cup holder on his armrest. "This! Cup holders! Theyre brilliant. I dont know about you guys, but i am sure thankful for the genius invented these."

Kwangmin laughed awkwardly as the boys shook their heads slowly and turned around. He looked to me for a reassuring look, and i just smiled comfortingly turning around. Kwangmin sighed and sat back down. Donghyun chuckled and typed on his phone.


Kwangmin repeatedly hit his forehead on the backboard of his seat.


Here's a update! Sorry for a slow update theres no WIFI! (╯3╰)





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