Chapter 19: Safe Kissing

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As we walked to the motorcycle, Jeongmin’s eyes lit up when he saw a large orange cone come in front of him. He stopped me and put his hands on my shoulders.

“Go _________, let’s make a deal. If I can jump that orange cone, then you have to give me…” Jeongmin paused and tried to force the remaining words out of his mouth. “A kiss.”

My eyes widened with surprise.

“Wh-what?” I asked.

“Come on! Just this one time. If I can jump that cone, you have to give me a kiss,” Jeongmin whined.

“Please. Please. Please.”

“But, it’s my first kiss,” I said.

“Come on. I probably won’t even make it. That cone is like more than half my size already,” Jeongmin scoffed.

I thought about it for a while. “Hm… fine, I’ll take the chances…”

Jeongmin smiled and took off in a sprint.

“It’s not like you could jump that,” I said as I watched him jump yet stumble over the cone. “High…”

Jeongmin smiled happily and jerked his bent arm back as if saying, “Cha-ching.”

“Looks like I won this deal,” Jeongmin smiled happily.

My jaw dropped in awe. “You… you tricked me! You practiced didn’t you? I can’t believe you!”

“Well, maybe a couple of times. But we still made a deal! You have to give me a kiss!” Jeongmin said.

He closed his eyes and puckered his lips. I furrowed my eyebrows. I shrugged and gave him a peck on the cheek. He opened his eyes and glared at me. I smiled and shrugged.

“You cheated in jumping, so I cheated you in kiss-“

Jeongmin grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me in. He stared me right in the eyes.


What… what is this feeling? It feels… weird… I thought to myself.

He smirked mischievously and pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket and placed it over his mouth. Then he gently placed his lips on my lips. I froze in place, staring off into space. I couldn’t move a muscle. As the kiss dragged on, I felt as if I were melting right through his fingers. He slowly slid his arm down around my waist and tipped me over. He finally opened his eyes and our lips parted, the handkerchief fluttered to the ground. He looked deep into my eyes and I looked into his. He smiled brightly and stood me back up. He put his hand out and said, “Time’s up. Your Jeongmin Date has ended.”

I couldn’t move. I crumpled into a heap. I placed my hand over my heart, trying to get it from beating so fast.

Oh, if it beats any faster, it’ll beat right out of my chest.

Jeongmin got on his knees and leaned close to my face.

“What? You want another?” Jeongmin joked, smiling.

I blushed and sprang up and hopped on the motorcycle. I pulled my helmet on to cover my red face. Jeongmin got up and dusted his pants off and chuckled quietly.


I'M SO MAD TO MYSELF.. I CANT GO TO DKFC... (DREAM KPOP FANTASY CONCERT) HERE IN THE PHILIPPINES... X(( I WANNA MEET EXO, SNSD, INFINITE and many more... Huhuuhuh my lulu and kai!!! x(( Gahhh i wanna go to MOA to see their rehearsal...But cant... huhuh i hate my life!






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