Chapter 42: Acceptance

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"You're Go Jin Ho?" Kwangmin asked, interupting me.

"Dad?" I stuttered. "Is it really you?"

My dad got up and walked towards me with his arms outstretched. "Go ____, it's been a while."

I immidiately felt my tears begin to stream down my face. I covered my mouth with a hand to muffle my crying sounds as I walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around me, and we shared a heart warming father and daughter hug. 

"Dad, it's been years," I sobbed. "I've missed you so much."

My dad petted my head and patted my back. "There, there. I know I haven't been there for you... but here I am now."

As we pulled away from the embrace, my dad turned to Kwangmin and tilted his head in curiousity. 

"You must be Jo Kwangmin. The young boy who helped me to find my little princess?" Go Jin Ho asked.

"Uh, um, yes, sir. It's very nice to meet you," Kwangmin quickly stood up, holding his hand out nervously.

My dad walked over and shook it firmly. I wiped my face off and looked at Kwangmin. I couldn't believe my ears. 

Kwangmin was the one who found my dad? Why would he go through all this trouble? I thought.

"Thanks to you, young man, I'm reunited with my daughter once again. Now, before we do anything else, I just want to clear things up with my daughter," Go Jin Ho said, turning to me. "Sweetie, let me explain why I left your mother. It's just... I found that I had a dream to chase. That dream was to make other's dreams come true. That's why I teamed up with Kim Shi Dae to open Starship Entertainment. Your mother had a difference of opinion, though. As much as I love your mother... I loved my dream as well. If the person I loved wouldn't support my dream, then surely, we weren't meant to be. But I will always love her because she gave me the best gift I could ever ask for."

I twisted shyly in place. "Was it me?"

"No, it was the choice to either stay in America or leave for Korea," Go Jin Ho chuckled when I made an insulted face. "I'm kidding. She gave me you. You are my flesh and blood, and I love you. You're my little girl."

"Oh, daddy," I cooed, hugging him.

As Kwangmin stood awkwardly in the back, rubbing his neck, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. Then he realized something.

"So, you were the person who sent the men in black after Go ____?" Kwangmin asked.

My dad turned to him and made a surprised look. "Why, yes."

Kwangmin's jaw dropped. "Sir, you could've told me. You have no idea what kind of panic and hysteria the seven of us have been in since they first came after her."

"My apologies, Kwangmin," Go Jin Ho smiled, walking over to Kwangmin. "May I ask, of all people, how did you find me and why? Go ____ hasn't even tried to contact me yet you somehow got us two together again."

"Uh," Kwangmin hummed, looking back and forth between me and my dad.

My dad let out a hearty old man laugh and slapped Kwangmin on the back, sending him tripping towards me. I held my arms out and caught him, our eyes meeting. Kwangmin gasped as we looked each other in the eyes. Kwangmin started to turn fifty shades of red as he backed away.

"Well, seeing that my daughter is in such good hands, I am not worried. I entrust her in your hands once she begins training, too," Go Jin Ho said, holding his hands behind his back and staring out the window.

"Yes, sir!" Kwangmin said, smiling contently. "Wait, training?"

With his back facing us, my dad smiled and said, "Go ______, welcome to the Starship family. I trust that you will work hard until the day of your debut."

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