Chapter 25: Angry Hyungs

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"Yah..." Kwangmin said in a deep, creepy voice. "Who said you could take Go _____ and run off, Youngmin?"

Youngmin stuck his tongue out. "I did."

"Whatever. Come to the fountain square in the middle of the park. I bought things for a picnic," Kwangmin laughed.

The facetime timed out, and Youngmin and I climbed onto the bike. With every footstep I took, I could still feel the squishiness of the pond in my shoes.

I will get you one day, Jo Youngmin. I muttered in my head, glaring at the back of his neck.

Youngmin could feel his neck heating up and swatted at it.

"Hey, Go _____, are you staring at my neck?" Youngmin asked, swerving the bike around. "It's getting hot."

"Hell yes I am," I said, glaring harder.

"Stop," he ordered, swatting at me.

I playfully slapped his hand, and we played a small game of tag on the bike, swatting back and forth. As we came to a stop, Kwangmin was waiting for us at the fountain, waving excitedly. In his hand he held a large picnic basket. Youngmin stuck his legs out and the bike halted to a stop.

"Where'd you get the basket, dongsaeng?" Youngmin asked, smiling blissfully.

"Well, while you two were off in the unknown, I went to the store and bought a few things. A nice noona gave

this to me," Kwangmin replied, punching Youngmin in the arm.

"Ow," Youngmin hissed, punching Kwangmin back.

"Okay, that's enough," I giggled, jumping off the bike and between the two. "Let's go eat!"

"Alright," Kwangmin agreed with a nod.

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