Chapter 56: Fifth Surprise!! 〆(・∀・@)

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During the road trip to Seattle, Washington, the next Boyfriend concert, Kwangmin worked nonstop on his song for me. He sat alone in the back room of the tour bus, strumming away on his guitar. Occasionally he would come out and ask me questions, which made me confused, seeing as they were so off topic. Kwangmin worked tirelessly to prepare the perfect date.

After arriving at Seattle, the group settled down and prepared for their concert. I was unsure as what to do but the boys helped me ease into my job. I had called my mother the day before leaving Los Angeles, gaining full approval from her. I managed my way through my first day swimmingly. The concert went well, and I even got good marks from other staff. Boyfriend and I then headed to the local hotel for some rest. The boys had a day for exploring the city due to the fact that it was their first time in America. That night, Kwangmin put his plans into action.

As I walked out of the shower with my dripping wet hair in a towel, I spotted a note at the foot of my door. I bent down and picked it up. Someone probably slid it in through the space under the door. I opened it and read it out loud to my self while drying my hair.

"Dear Minnie,

Meet me in my room at ten o'clock for a romantic date. I promise it'll blow you away! Dress pretty.. Not that you arent already pretty enough ;)...

Lots of Love,

Kwangminnie," I read.

I giggled like a little fan girl at his note. I looked at the clock to see it was already nearly ten o'clock. Panicking, i threw my towel down and dried my hair with the hotel's hair dryer. I then quickly threw on a nice black dress I had packed before leaving for the kick off concert and brushed my hair. I bit my lip and look at the clock.

Two minutes until ten... CRAP!!

I groaned loudly and threw on some mascara and lip-gloss before rushing out the door, barely enough time to slip my heels on.. I raised my fist to knock on the door just as Kwangmin opened the door. He was wearing a nice pair of black slacks along with a blue dress shirt and white and silver striped tie. His hair was nicely brushed and swept to the side.

I took on look and him and waned in thought. He looked at me and smiled. I could've sworn he said something, but I couldnt hear him over the white nouse in my mind. He frowned and snapped his finger in myface, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I said you look really pretty. Are you ready for the date? Kwangmin asked, leading me inside.

"Uh, oh, yeah! Of course! Let's go," I stammered, sheepishly brushing the hair out of my face.

Kwangmin stealthily slid his hand into my hand, reminding me of the old days when he would do that. I stared at his face as he nonchalantly looked straight ahead, smiling. I looked around the hotel room and gasped.

There was a small dinner table set up with two chairs. Draped over the table was a large, square-shaped, blue cloth. On top of the talbe was a romantic, lit candle along with a small vase of roses. There were even rose petals scattered around the table. The table was set with two pairs of white, China plates, bwols, silverware, and even white napkins folded into swans. Outside I calmly beamed at the sight while inside i was screaming like a schoolgirl. The room was softly lit with a song playing softly in the background. i listened closely and realized it was none other than Boyfriend' On & On~

Kwangmin walked me over to the closest chair and pulled it out for me. I took a seat, and he pushed me in, As he walked away, he lifted my hand up and kissed it, then took his seat opposite of me. Staring into my eyes, he propped his elbows on teh table and clasped his hands, placing his chin on top. I nervously scuffled in my seat.

"Wh-What? Do i look weird?" I asked, nervously fixing my hair and looking to the side.

Kwangmin chucked and shook his head. He leaned closer to the table, placing his hand on top of mine. "Of course not, You look PERFECT BABY~."

My jaw dropped at his comment. He just spoke perfect English. Not only that, but he called me BABY and said perfect in that heart melting tone. I instantly stood up out of my chair and leaned away from him. He leaned closer and raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" He asked, once again speaking Korean.

I pointed a quivering finger at him and stammered, "Y-uou just spoked English perfectly. Not only that but you planned a beautiful dinner like this. Who are you, and what you have to my goofy boyfriend?"

Kwangmin bit his bottom lip and leaned back in his chair, spreading his legs out, He crossed his arms and gave me a you've-got-to-be-kidding-me kind of expression.

"I didnt know you thought so little of me," Kwangmin said in a low voice.

I gasped loudly.I stood there, frozen. I didnt whether i should like what he was doing or be suspicious. I decided to go for both. I slammed my right forearm onto the table and leaned towards Kwangmin.

"Kwangmin-ah, what are you trying to do? What's up with you? Look, i dont know what youre doing and i really like it, but i kind of want my goofy boyfriend back. Please," upon saying my last word, i crouched down and clasped my hands together, puting and staring into his eyes.

Kwangmin stared at me round eyed before sighing and puffing out his cheeks. He blew out a stream of stressed air and grinned goofily.

"Okay, I'm back," he chuckled, winking at me. (○゜ε^○)

Here's an UPDATE! I Know its just short. But please do read it~ ;)



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