Chapter 41: Auditioning and Kidnapping

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"I can do this," I whispered to myself as the lady called out my number.

As I entered, I gulped loudly and shuffled in. I tried not to look at the three judges, but once I got a glimpse of them, I nearly had a heart attack. The three of them sat confidentally and professionally. They scuffled through their papers and had looks of hardcore judges. I knew I was in for a hell of a criticism. The judges this year were Kim Shi Dae, Hyorin of Sistar, and a man by the name of Kim Chin Hwa. Kim Shi Dae nodded as a greeting to me while Hyorin gave me a big sisterly smile. I could tell she was rooting for me. As I looked over to Kim Chin Hwa, he gave me a soft smile and nod that ran chills down my spine. There was something about him. I couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

" Number 28?" Kim Shi Dae asked.

"Y-yes!" I stuttered.

"Welcome. Please introduce yourself and state what you are singing and dancing to," Kim Shi Dae clicked his pen, ready to write.

I took a big breath and put on the confident smile I wore on stage the day of the fundraiser.

"Hello! My name is Go _____. I am eighteen this year, and I attend Top Talent Academy," I introduced.

"Oh? You are the girl the boys always talk about. Well, it's very nice to meet you. I'm looking forward to being impressed after what I've heard from the boys," Kim Shi Dae chuckled.

"I will be singing and dancing to SHINee's 'Lucifer'," I continued, smiling at his comment. 

The three began writing away on their clipboards as I prepared for the performance. I put my papers down and took my position. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out through my nose. I remember what Kwangmin had told me... 

Just have fun, I thought.

I looked up at the judges and smiled. Kim Shi Dae nodded to me, signaling that they were ready for me to start. The staff member pressed the play button on the stereo and music began flooding out of the speakers. I bit my lip and curled my lips up into the biggest smile I could conjure. Nearly four minutes later I finished my performance. The judges stared at me silently. I could feel my face heat up due to nervousness and fear. Suddenly, Kim Chin Hwa began clapping slowly and the other two followed. Hyorin giggled and smiled brightly at me.

"You were fantastic," Hyorin commented.

"Yes, I would say so myself," Kim Shi Dae added.

"Indeed," Kim Chin Hwa concluded.

"Thank you!" I thanked, scurrying out.

I glanced back at the judges to see Kim Chin Hwa nod at me and smile. Once again it sent chills down my spine. Not once did I leave his sight as I left. As I rushed out of the Starship building, I squealed like a foreign girl at a kpop concert. 

"Ah!" I shouted. "I feel great!"

"Good," a familiar voice chimed.

"Eh?" I turned around to see Kwangmin leaning against the building. 

"I'm guessing the audition went well?"

"More than well! It went amazingly!"

"Hah, that's great, Go ____!" Kwangmin congratulated, giving me a hug.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have work?" I asked.

"Nope, we have a day off today. Some of the boys went home to visit their parents. Jeongmin went to hang out with his friends. I stayed back," Kwangmin explained.


"So I could hang out with you," he replied, slipping his hand into mine. 

I turned five shades of red as he did so. My heart began to race, and I could feel the sweat begin to form on my brow. Kwangmin pulled me in closer and wrapped his arms around me tighter.

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