Chapter 39: Meeting the Parents

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“Can I at least have a farewell hug?” He asked, giving me his best puppy eyes.

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me close. He put his head on my shoulder and I put mine on his. The people passed around us on the busy square. I could feel him sigh hesitantly then tense up.

“Uh, Minwoo, are you okay?” I asked.

“Don’t. Move,” Minwoo warned.

Off in the distance, he stared at a young-looking, middle-aged couple staring at the two of us as we hugged. They pointed and giggled. Soon they started to head toward us. Minwoo began to panic, running in place as he let go of our hug. He grabbed my wrist and began running.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Just run!” Minwoo panted.

“Why?” I gasped for breath.

“My,” Minwoo glanced behind him, watching as the couple began gaining ground on us. “Parents!”

“Your what?” I asked, looking behind me.

I saw the couple that ran faster than they probably should for their age. I began to panic, sprinting along with Minwoo. Suddenly, as we turned onto a less busy street, a young girl stepped in our way along with her friends. She smirked at us as she snapped her phone close.

“Hey, bro,” she said.

Her posse smiled and placed their hands on their hips.

“Crap,” Minwoo cursed.

“Who?” I asked. My eyes widened in realization. “Your little sister?”

Minwoo nodded painfully. He rubbed his eyes as his parents showed up, panting and breathing heavily.

“Good. Job. Eun Bin,” the man huffed.

“Whoo. You sure do know how to give your parents a work out there, son,” the woman continued, wiping her forehead off.

Minwoo groaned and kicked the ground. As the day progressed, I was invited back to Minwoo’s house by his parents. I gasped at how beautiful and intricate the house looked as I walked in. The porch was an open space with stone stairs leading down to the sidewalk. It was modeled to look like the front of the white house with pillars and everything. The floor of the house was made with light wooden planks. I gulped as I looked down, seeing my reflection in the shiny surface.

Minwoo grumpily walked over to the living room and plopped down onto the couch, spreading his legs out and sinking in his seat. His sister hurried past me and went upstairs, to her room, I guessed. As I took a seat next to Minwoo, I awed at the beautiful glass and brass chandelier hanging from the ceiling. His living room had beautiful leather couches with a marble altar for his deceased family members. I could see that they had implanted a flat screen TV into one of their crisp, clean, white walls. There were three couches in a U shape around the TV with a glass table on top of a rug in the middle.

“You’re house is amazing,” I whispered to him.

Minwoo nodded, pursing his lips. His parents then sat down in front of us and greeted me.

“Annyeong ~” They cooed.

“Hello,” I replied. “You have a beautiful house.”

They gasped. “Pretty and complimenting!” The woman squeaked. “I like her.”

“Are you Minwoo’s girlfriend?” The man asked.

“Wh-what?” I stammered.

“Mom! Dad!” Minwoo whined. “She’s just a friend. Besides, she has someone she likes.”

“Omo, I see,” Minwoo’s mother gasped.

“Well, Minwoo, you are a lucky one. You could always snatch her away,” Minwoo’s father said, winking and elbowing his son.

“Dad,” Minwoo groaned. “I’m not going to do that.”

“Aish, you stubborn, boy,” his dad hissed.

“You must be Go ___, yes?” His mother asked. “We’ve heard so much about you from Minwoo when he calls him. Which is like barely, I mean seriously, this boy is ungrateful.”

“Mom!” Minwoo snapped.

I giggled.

This is going to be a long day…






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