Chapter 10: Of Festivals and Cosplays

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The days flew by and before we knew it, it was time for the Spring School Festival. Every year our school opens a large festival that features all sorts of activities. We have game booths, food booths, and we even have the school wide talent contest. This year, luckily, instead of helping my class with their booth, I got to help Boyfriend! I could just die.

“Oy, Go _______, what are you doing standing there and spacing out?” Dong Hyun scolded.

I shook my head. “Uh, nothing.”

“So, what was our job again?” Kwangmin asked.

“The school wants us to open a tea booth,” Dong Hyun answered. “But…”

“But what?” Kwangmin asked.

“We have to cosplay as the characters from Ouran High School host club,” Hyun Seong added.

Upon hearing that, the boys dropped the boxes of supplies they were carrying and hurried out the door.

“Ya! Where do you think you’re going?” Dong Hyun shouted, the boys stopped. “Get back in here!”

All the boys hesitantly walked back in.

“Come on guys, I think it’ll be cool,” I said.

All the boys perked up and listened.

“I mean… you might look nice in… cosplay…” I said.

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