Chapter 23: Twins Taking Initiative

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(A/N: Para sayo to ate howfishylifeis... xDD.. Asan na si Donghae?? LOL)

“Psst. Is she awake?” Youngmin whispered.

“I don’t know, try poking her,” Kwangmin hissed back.

I slowly fluttered my eyes open to see Youngmin and Kwangmin leaning over me. At first I thought I was dreaming, giggling silently to myself and poking them in the cheeks.

“Um,” Youngmin hummed.

“Go ____, are you awake?” Kwangmin asked.

When he asked me that, I realized I wasn’t dreaming anymore and nearly popped my eyes out of my skull.

“Ah!” I shouted, conking heads with the two.

“Yow!” They yelped in unison.

I rubbed my head and groaned. “What are you doing?”

I opened my eyes and stared coldly at them.

Interrupting my sleep….

“We came to ask you if you want to go for a walk!” Youngmin said gleefully.

“What time is it?” I looked out the window. The sun had just risen, peaking its rays through the windows.

“It’s seven in the morning! Wakey wakey ~” Kwangmin sing songed.

“What? Why so early?” I grumbled, pulling the blanket over my head. “Ugh!”

“Oh, come on. Please!” Youngmin whined, pulling the blanket off.

“No!” I argued, turning over.

The two looked at each other and nodded. They suddenly picked me up and took my to the bathroom.

“Hey, what are you!” I shouted, struggling.

They splashed water in my face and held a cup of cold water to my mouth. I took in a mouthful and they shook me back and forth. I spat the water out.

“Ah! Cold water. My teeth!” I shouted, my teeth stinging.

Kwangmin took a toothbrush still in its wrapping out and put toothpaste on it. He stuck in my mouth and began

scrubbing while Youngmin held me down. I gargled and fizzed foam everywhere.

“I swear, when you guys let go of me, I am going to beat you butt faces up,” I screamed, punching Youngmin in the arm.

“Ow, just calm down,” Youngmin urged.

Suddenly they began changing my clothes. I bent over and pulled Youngmin over, flipping him. I kicked Kwangmin in the knee and pushed him out of the bathroom.

“Fine! I’ll change!” I shouted, irritated. “Just give me the clothes.”

Kwangmin quickly handed me a pair of clothes. I put them on and stepped out.

“Whose clothes are these?” I questioned, holding my arms out. The basketball shorts fit me nearly perfectly.They came down to my knees and moved around freely, air like. The t-shirt was a little big and loose but it wasn’t so bad.

“Pfft,” the boys held in a laugh.

“What?” I asked.

“Minwoo’s,” Youngmin squeaked.

The boy’s began laughing.

“Why is that so funny?” I sighed, rolling my eyes.

“Because we confirmed he has the body like a girl’s,” Kwangmin said between his laughter.

“Whatever, stop picking on him,” I began to chuckle a little. “Are we going or not?”

“Let’s go!” Youngmin shouted excitedly.

The boys hooked their arms with mine, and we quietly skipped out the door, making sure not to wake up the Sistars. Once we got outside, the boys got on their bikes and I sat with Youngmin. As the sun shined brightly, we biked through the cool breeze to the park.






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