Chapter 52: 1st Surprise! ^o^

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Dear Go Min Hee,

We Hope you're doing well in America! Boyfriend is prospering as in Korea J. We have surprise for you...

We're coming to America for a tour! (Cue the applause) Anyway, attached to this email, wevr sent you a VIP ticket along with a backstage pass. The kick off concert will be in Los Angeles, California. We know you dont live there, so your father has gladly thrown in a plane ticket for you!

We cant wait to see you again. Kwangmin says he misses you lots, snookems <3.


Ignore that, Minnie. Donghyun was being a butt. -Km

Any how, be sure to show up at the concert. We're counting on seeing you again! By the way, Donghyun appa and Hyun seong umma along with the rest of your brothers want to congratulate you on graduating! Welcome to the music business!


Donghyun,Hyunseong, Jeongmin, Youngmin, Kwangmin and Minwoo

P.S We're your Boyfriend!!

That was the last email i got from Boyfriend before they completely blocked me from their life. I wanted to call them and thank them, but upon contacting them, I found out I was blocked from all social networking with them. I even called them only to find out they had changed their numbers. The email still worked but none of my emails were going through. I had mixed feelings as to what just happened. First they offer me a reunion trip, and then they try to cut all ties with me in the blink of an eye? I was hoping it was a temporary thing, but i was thoroughly lying to myself. I wauted weeks and weeks to receive some news form then, but nothing came up. I wartched for updates from Boyfriend on the Internet every single day I waited. They seemed to be doing well and were ready for their tour in America. I hadnt been to an airport since i left Korea. It was a nostalgic yet empty feeling. 

I boarded the plane and slept the whole flight.

I was abruptly woken up from my dreams by a flight attendant.

"ma'm, the plane has landed. Please wake up and head towards the exit," she cooed.

"oh yes, of course," I said sheepishly, wiping the drool off my lip, "my bad".

"its quite all right," she smiled.

I grabbed my belongings and quickly strolled outside. It was already night, and the concert was only two hourse away. I walked outside and called a taxi then headed towards the stadium. As i got out of the txi, I could hear the roar of fan girls already gathered, waiting to get it. I was a bit surpised at how early they were just to wait to get in. I stared at the crow; unsure of what to do when i felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around to see none other than my father.

"Daddy!" I shouted excitedly, throwing my arms around him.

"Min Hee!" He called back, hugging me back. "how are you darling?"

"I'm good, Dad. Where are the guys?" I asked, glancing over his shoulders.

"Um, about that.." He said, making an uncomfortable face.

"What's wrong?" I asked, fearing the worst.

"Oh,uh," he shook his head and smile. "Forget about it. It's nothing. You have a backstage pass dont you? Let me lead you backstage."

I nodded and followed my dad through the crowd and towards the door. I could feel eyes pierce into my back as I walked through. My dad flashed his staff pass to the bouncer, and we enetered the stadium. I walked slowly behind my father, feeling a strange feeling wash over me. I was so conflicted as what i should be feeling.

Should i be excited.... worried.. maybe a bit depressed? If the boys didnt want to talk to me before the concert, what makes me think that theyll want to talk to me now? Maybe theyve gotten tired off me.

I shook my head hard and took a deep breath. I looked back up at my dad only to see he had disappeared. My eyes darted around the hallways. The backstage area was hallway upon hallways upon more hallways. It seemed like an endless maze. I began to panic when

i saw something familiar in the middled of one of the hallways. Curiously, i sneaked towards it. I bent over and picked it up, furrowing my eyebrows. It was a small stuff Pikachu doll; smilar to one I received from Kwangmin years before. Seeing the doll was a nostalgic event/

My heart jumped into my throat when someone suddenly came up behind me and wrapped their arms around me.

Here's an update! Sorry for being short.. ;( By the way, omg did you guys heard Boyfriend will have a comeback.. omg and also in Japan.. "Seventh Mission"! Here's a sample of their song "Dangerous" <3 super duper love this song.. 

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