Chapter 28: A Voice For Those Unheard

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"We've been trying to organize a fundraiser to raise money for a large, local orphanage. This orphanage has been hit especially hard with the economy nowadays. They're in dire need of help. We're especially supportive of this orphanage because it also runs a teaching program, which is taught by our very own parish nuns, that helps kids with special needs like deaf, blind, and other kids. If we don't raise enough money soon, this orphanage may be put out and the children will be sent all over Korea to different orphanages. It takes a lot to run an orphanage like that. Right now, they're needing about 25,000 dollars to help with the costs," the priest explained. "And, well, it seems what little hope we had for the fundraiser had just been dashed. We're having trouble finding ways to run the fundraiser and we're short on volunteers as is."

I thought long and hard about what he said. My heart began to hurt thinking about all those sad orphans having to be seperated and sent to different parts of the country.

"When is the fundraiser suppose to be?" I asked.

"We planned to do it right the schools' spring break. That way we could attract students and also get them aware of the situation," the priest replied. "But we may have to give up soon, spring break is but a week away."

"I can help!" I volunteered a bit loudly. "Anything for the orphans."

"Pardon my intrusion," Hyun Seong said as he stepped in. "But I would like to volunteer, too."

"Really? Well, that'd be wonderful! The more the better," the priest laughed.

The rest of the boys looked at each other and nodded.

"We'll do it, too!" Minwoo added.

"Thank you! Thank you all so much," the priest thanked, patting everyone on the shoulder. "God bless you."

"May I suggest an idea?" Hyun Seong asked.

"Why certainly, shoot away," the priest replied.

"If I may, I could convice our manager and perhaps we could perform a small benefit concert, just for the fundraiser. This would be great publicity for us and a benefit for the fundraiser," Hyun Seong suggested, smilling contently with his idea.

"Really? Would you do that?" The priest asked in surprise. Hyun Seong nodded and the priest hugged him.

"Oh, mister, you've made this old priest proud! Please, do try. Anything would be of help!"

Before we knew it, Boyfriend and I became the planning committee for the fundraiser. We told Dong Hyun of the idea and first he slapped Hyun Seong playfully up side the head for doing things without him, then he hugged us, saying he was proud of what we were doing. Not only did the manager let Boyfriend perform, but he talked to the director and the director threw in a Sistar and K.Will performance along with it. The director even agreed to donate the money needed for planning. After school every day, we'd start planing out the area and supplies needed. We decided on holding the event in the church's parking lot, which was quite large. After setting out a layout for the fundraiser and getting all the supplies ready, we began looking for volunteers. When I couldn't find anyone, I decided it was time for Boyfriend to influence a little. As soon as the guys asked the girls at school, they all rushed in, volunteering the whole day. We soon had more than enough volunteers for the occasion. I met up with Sistar and K.Will, planning out their performances. Before we knew it, it was time for the fundraiser.

As the hundreds of girl volunteers helped to set up the area, we rolled in the stage on a truck. It took a while to set it up but we got it done before sunset. Even Sistar and K.Will came despite their tight schedules to help set up. As the sunset, I gathered everyone around the stage for an encouraging cheer.

"Alright, I know you're all tired and ready to go home, but we've barely just begun. Just hold in there. Think about the kids and the lives that you'll be affecting. You might never meet them, but you will always know in your hearts that you help so many beautiful souls out there," I said encouragingly. "Everyone hands in!"

Everyone raised a hand up towards the stage.

"One, two, three," I counted off.

"Hwaiting!" Everyone shouted, cheering into the night.

In the morning, we opened the gates and watched us hundreds of people, young and old, came to attend the fund raiser. We had game booths, food booths, and all around fun set up everywhere. Boyfriend, Sistar, and K.Will even sat in their own booths, signing autographs and selling their own signed merchandise. Twenty five percent of their sales went to the fund. As night began to fall, it was time for what the people had all been waiting for. It was time for the Starship Concert. I hurried backstage and put my headset on, calling out orders and directions to the students working the sound and lights. The performance went smoothly. The news channel even sent a reporter by to film the performances. As K.Will finished his last song, I recieved exciting news from headquarters. I walked out onto the  stage with my headset still on, forgetting it was there from my excitement. I took the microphone from our MC and looked excitedly out into the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that not only have we reached our goal of 25,000 dollars but we've gone far and beyond that," I announced. "We've reach a grand total of.... drumroll please."

The drummer began doing a slow drumroll with the guitarist following in with a smooth guitar riff for effect.

"55,719 dollars! Thank you to everyone who donated. Thank you to the volunteers, without you we wouldn't have been able to do this. Thank you to our performers and Starship Entertainment for the kind and generous help. And most of all, thank You. If you all hadn't come to this fundraiser, well, we wouldn't have much of a fundraiser would we? Thank you for everything! We truly are a voice for those unheard!" I laughed. "How about one last encore from the whole Starship crew before we end tonight?"

The crowd roared as our stars rushed onto stage. I ordered the sound crew to put on Pink Romance and so it began. The night ended well. Inside me, I felt the warmness of helping others fill me. It was a wonderful day. A few days after the fundraiser, we got thank you cards from each and everyone of the students and orphans at the orphanage. The head master sent us a thank you letter, stating everything the money would be used for. They were even able to afford new clothes for all the orphans! I treasured every single card, putting them in a safe spot for memories. I would one day look back and think of how Boyfriend and I helped to save an orphange. As I hugged the cards, the boys gathered around a group hug and I began crying.

"Why are you crying?" Kwangmin asked.

"I'm crying tears of overflowing happiness. I've never been this happy in my entire life," I replied, gasping for air. "Jesus was right, it does feel good to help."






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