Chapter 37: Examinations

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“Examinations are finally over!” Jeongmin groaned, crashing on the couch.

He threw his backpack onto the ground, sending his books and notebooks flying to the ground. Youngmin, Kwangmin, and Minwoo staggered in, leaning on each other. As they got through the dorm room, they crashed on the floor. I walked in, stepping over them, my backpack slung on one shoulder; Hyun Seong walked behind me.

“How were examinations?” Donghyun asked, sipping his tea. “Go ____?”

“I got an A in every subject except for writing. I got a B… so, apparently I’m bad at grammar,” I whined, showing Donghyun my grading sheet.

Donghyun ruffled my hair and smiled proudly. “That’s my girl. Hyun Seong?”

“Passed all my classes with straight A’s,” Hyun Seong beamed. “Except for acting, singing, and dancing. Those I got A pluses with ease.”

“Good job!” Donghyun said, staring at Hyun Seong’s grade sheet. “Jeongmin?”

“I got straight A’s!” Jeongmin said with a wavering voice.

Donghyun stared at him with half lidded eyes, then snatched Jeongmin’s gradesheet. “C's and an F in Algebra II? What?” Donghyun spat his tea back into his cup in surprise. “Yah, dongsaeng, what’s the meaning of this? You do know you have college testing soon?”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’m really bad with Algebra. I mean seriously, numbers and letters? Those two things should stay separate. I have to take a retesting in three days,” Jeongmin sighed, covering his head as Donghyun slapped him on top of his head.

Hyun Seong and I held Donghyun back and he held his anger in.

“What about you twins?” Donghyun grumbled.

“I got straight B’s and one C in English,” Kwangmin smiled. “I’m doing average according to my teacher!”

“Good enough,” Donghyun ruffled his hair as Kwangmin passed by and handed him the grade sheet.

“And Youngmin?” Donghyun questioned.

“Eh, heh,” Youngmin chuckled. He sighed and handed Donghyun the sheet. “Please hit me gently.”

Donghyun dropped his cup, spilling tea everywhere. I jumped back in surprise. Donghyun’s eyes widened as he read the sheet.

“He got…” Donghyun gasped. “Straight B’s! This is a miracle!”

“You’re not mad I didn’t get A’s like you told me to get?” Youngmin squeaked.

“Of course not! This is the highest grade point average you’ve had since the beginning of the year!” Donghyun laughed. “This is great! Now, what about Minwoo?”

Minwoo started stuffing his sheet into his mouth.

“Rai ron’t row rut you’re ralking abrout,” Minwoo stammered, his mouth full of paper.

Donghyun frowned and snatched the paper from his mouth.

“F’s… all F’s… except for singing, dancing, and acting,” Donghyun massaged his eyes. “I guess this is expected of you, Minwoo.”

I tilted my head curiously.

“He’s got the talent,” Youngmin said, playing on his Nintendo.

“He’s got the body,” Kwangmin replied, tapping away on his ipad.

“He’s got the looks,” Jeongmin added, flipping through his Algebra notes.

“But he surely doesn’t have the brains. The one flaw keeping him from being a perfect guy,” Hyun Seong chuckled. “Unlike me, that is.”

“Be quiet, hyung,” the boys said in unison.  

“Why?” Donghyun asked.

“I don’t know. It’s just really hard understanding what the teachers are saying. Even though I spent days studying, I still couldn’t get it. When the examinations came out, I completely blanked out and just started to fill in random answers. I’m sorry, hyung,” Minwoo apologized, pouting.

Seeing him pout, I pouted, too. I went over to him and gave him a hug.

“Oh, you poor baby. You have three days until the reexamination right?” I asked.

“Mhm,” Minwoo nodded.

“Then how about I be your private tutor for three days?” I asked.

Minwoo’s eyes brightened and he nodded quickly. Jeongmin rolled over and out of the couch. His head popped up as he looked at me.

“What? Wait! Be my tutor, too!” Jeongmin shouted.

Donghyun looked at Jeongmin’s notebook and furrowed his eyebrows at it. He then picked it up and looked at Jeongmin’s notes.

“Jeongmin…” Donghyun mumbled.

“Hm?” Jeongmin asked.

“Why is it that all of your notes,” Donghyun started, flipping the notebook through and showing it to us. “Are all drawings of Go ______?”

Jeongmin blushed wildly and hid his face.

“Aish,” Donghyun cursed his luck. “Hyun Seong…”

“Got it,” Hyun Seong interrupted, dragging Jeongmin away.

>___< Minwoo scene coming up. I can't wait <3 






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