Chapter 45

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During the dinner with Mr. Bae and Taehyung, we had discussed the plans for the New York fashion week. The show was only a month away and there were so many things that had to be arranged.

"Fashion week will be very busy. We were very lucky to be able to rent a good venue, but we need to have you fitted and you've never walked a runway before have you?"

I shook my head. "I'll need some practice, but is walking the runway hard?"

"Walking the runway is hard if you're a beginner." Taehyung explained. "You will never know what can happen on the runway, and you will have to be prepared for everything. You can't lose composure or the whole show will be ruined."

"That's a lot of pressure on the models then." I commented. Even if I've learned patience and composure since the whole scandal got out, I don't know if I can handle a whole runway with hundreds of eyes on me.

"The model's job is to make the clothes stand out. It doesn't matter if the clothes look good or not, as long as the model can pull it off it'll sell." Taehyung smiles assuringly. "And you can make anything look great, Y/N. Worrying about how you'll look on the runway shouldn't apply to you."

"Just expect the unexpected." I let out a breath.

"I can be your teacher." Taehyung offered. "I have some experience with runways too."

"Really?" I was relieved that I had someone to help me. "That would be amazing."

"My runways have never had an incident, " Mr. Bae says. "But it doesn't mean that they're not uncommon." Mr. Bae calls for a waiter to bring the receipt. "Dinner will be on me. Stay for as long as you like to finish the rest of the meal, but I have some alterations to start making."

"You're very generous, thank you." Taehyung and I thanked him and Mr. Bae left.

"Congratulations." Taehyung turns to me. "You've gotten your first runway all on your own, and it's for Bae Chic."

"Thanks." I smiled and leaned back against my chair. "That whole conversation was just too stressful for me."

"Well then, I think this calls for a celebration." Taehyung grabs the bottle of wine and fills my cup up to the brim. "Now that the strict guy is gone, I think it's really time to celebrate."

"We have to drive later." I pointed out with a laugh.

"Eh, we can get a taxi and pick up our cars tomorrow. Where else are we going to get a wine this fine?"

"And it's free." I lifted the glass to my lips.

Taehyung and I finished drinking the rest of the bottle while talking about the twins. By the time we were done with the wine and leaving the restaurant, I was lightheaded.

"It would be a very good idea to just call a taxi, but can you drive?" Taehyung asked me.

"Nope." I shook my head. "It's better safe than sorry, I'm not that drunk but I can just feel it."

"Alright, me too." He sighs and pulls out his phone to call a taxi.

We stood outside of the restaurant waiting for the taxi to arrive and I started rubbing my arms in the late September night chill.

Taehyung removed his blazer and wrapped it around my shoulders. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "The taxi should be here soon, but it's cold tonight." There was a long silence before Taehyung spoke again. "How are things doing with you and Jungkook?"

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