Chapter 56

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The sound of footsteps got louder and the metal door slammed open. I snapped open my eyes and sat up to see who was there. When did I fall asleep? What time is it?

Ji Ae groans and slowly starts to wake up as well. She looked around the room confused and assessed the situation. Once the memories started to flood back, she reached out for me and I grabbed her hand.

I blinked away the sleep and focused my eyes to the door. Three people entered the room: the witch, daddy's secretary, and a guard.

"How long have they been out?" Sana turns to the two men. Since she was wearing a skimpy dress, her 4 month pregnant belly was starting to become noticeable when she turned the side.

"She looks fat." Ji Ae whispers to me.

Nope. I was wrong. She did not understand our situation at all.

"What did you just say about me?" Sana snapped at Ji Ae.

"They've been out for about three hours." Daddy's secretary cut in, turning Sana's attention back to him. Jaesuk I think his name was. What a backstabber.

"And you've just let them sleep this whole time?" Sana scoffed.

The guard looked at Jaesuk to see if they were given any orders, but Jaesuk only shook his head and shrugged.

Sana walked towards us and smiled wickedly. "No one is coming to save you, you know? You're all alone and in my control." The witch runs her long manicured nails drag along Ji Ae's cheek. "No one is ever coming to find you."

"Liar. Mommy and daddy will come save us."

"And where are they? Where is Jungkook and his slut?" Sana feigned thoughtfulness then cackled. "Oh right. They're in New York, a whole ocean away. You think they'll come and save you? Do you think they really care about you? If they really cared then they wouldn't have left you here alone. Jungkook is being so manipulated by that skank that he doesn't even care about you."

Ji Ae spits at Sana's face.

Sana closed her eyes then wiped the spit off her cheek. When she opened her eyes again, there was fire blazing within. "You fucking bitch." Sana dug her nails into Ji Ae's cheeks causing her to whimper and draw out a speck of blood.

"Don't even think about touching her!" I pushed the witch away from us and she stumbled back due to her 6 inch heels that looked like a death trap. How can people walk in those things?

Jaesuk was right there to catch Sana in an instant. As I turned around to examine Ji Ae, I noticed the concerned look that he had on his face when he looked at the witch and her belly.

"Does it hurt?" I asked my twin and touched the small puncture wounds, one on each cheek. My blood was boiling when I saw her blood on my hands. I wanted to do more than just push that witch if she weren't pregnant.

"You ungrateful, uneducated, uncultured bastards!" Sana spews out cusses while glaring at us. "You're just like her!"

"Actually." I tilted my head up. "I'm more like my daddy. I don't think your babies would understand what that's like because they'll have the genes of a witch and a traitor." I gave a pointed look at daddy's secretary. "Daddy is going to do more than just fire you once he finds out you helped to come between him and mommy. He's going to kill you."

"At this point, I'm not scared of anything." Jaesuk answered and I saw past his lie.

"Jaesuk." Sana straightened up and threw away Jaesuk's hand that was holding her steady. "Duct tape their mouths so I don't have to hear another word coming from their filthy mouths, then I want you to whip them."

[Unedited] Accidental ChildOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz