Chapter 4

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7 Years Later

I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned and reached over to my nightstand where my phone was, or at least where I put it last night.

When I couldn't find it, I sleepily opened my eyes and saw it in the hands of my two children. 

"Babies.... Answer it for mommy." I groaned and rolled onto my back. They giggle before answering it.

"Hello?" The younger answers, her voice too cheerful for the morning. "GRANDMA! HOW ARE YOU!" 

She's certainly my daughter.... I sighed and sat up when I heard my mother on the phone. I put my hand out for the phone and she places it in my hand.

"Hello? Mom?" I yawn and stretch, holding my phone between my shoulder and ear.

"Y/N, how are you? Why haven't you called recently? I thought you three were dead!" She scolded me and I let out a light laugh signalling my lovelies out of the room. Once they scurried out the room, leaving a small gap in the door I turned back to the phone.

"Mom, I've been busy. Ji Ae and Jihyun just entered elementary school a few months ago." I say and get off my bed. I walk to my bathroom and brush my teeth. "Why are you even calling? Isn't it like 9pm in Seoul?"


"It's past your bedtime!" 

"I'm older than you! Have some respect!" 

"At least you know you're older..." I mutter, a smile on my face. "Old people have to sleep early."

"I'm not that old! I'm only 56! I'm still in my prime." 

"No you're not mom, stop thinking you're young." I spit the tooth paste and rinsed my mouth. "Are you going to tell me why you're calling?"

"Y/N. Come back home." She says and I paused. 

"What did you just say?" I furrowed my eyebrows and grabbed my cleanser, spreading it around my face.

"Y/N, come home. I miss you and I want to see my grandchildren." 

"Mom you know you can always come and visit us, you can even live here. We have an extra room if you want to live with us." I finished washing my face and dried it with a towel. I walked out of the bathroom with the phone in my hand as I walked to my closet.

"That house isn't yours. It was bought by Mrs. Park. You're living there for free sweetie, don't you feel like you're in debt to them? They payed for most of your tuition and expenses." My mother lectures me and I gritted my teeth remembering the deal that Mrs. Park and I had. 

"Mom, Mrs. Park is the one in debt to me. I chose to leave Jimin like she wished. Even if she has no responsibility to look after my children she should give back what I could have had with Jimin." I say angrily and changed into a blouse and pencil skirt. "Plus I have a stable job here, the only thing I have from her now is the house which I'm currently paying the expenses for." 

"Y/N.... Your dad has cancer." She says in a broken voice and I stopped in my tracks.


"He's been coughing up blood and he's been losing a lot of weight. Last week he fainted at work. All the money you've sent us was used for the hospital bill." 

Although I hated my father for putting us through debt and abusing us, he was once a kind father who placed family on top of everything. 

"He's been asking for you... He wants to see the children."

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