Chapter 15

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Cameras flashes and staff members constantly try to move and find different lighting. 

Jungkook and I stood behind the monitor looking at the results and in the corner of my eyes I see him nod satisfied.

"Ok next concept!" The photographer yelled and the stylist quickly get the kids changed and movers change the set.

"I like this one and this one." Jungkook points to the screen and the photography director takes note of it. I memorized them just in case but there was no real reason to.

When the kids come out wearing more casual clothes but still on the cute end they walked up to me and hugged me.

"Mommy did I look pretty?" Ji Ae grins.

"Very pretty." I chuckle and caress her cheek. "Are you having fun?"

They both nod their heads and I felt happy. 

"Thank you daddy." They both turn to Jungkook who just smiles at them and pats their head. The photography director just stares but doesn't say anything. 

"Can we get the models on set?" The photographer yelled and they ran onto the set. He instructs them to pose a certain way and they do it with ease. 

They seemed less tense than the first time they modeled together. Taehyung was right, they really do have talent.

The shoot went on for two more hours but I went back to my desk and continued work that had to get done. I was mad that Jungkook signed the contract since it only meant that I had more work but once I read the contract again I noticed the changes.

"Incoming!" I heard Ina shout from the elevators and I looked up from my desk. I saw my twins running out of the elevator and I stood up.

They ran and clung onto my legs and I looked at Ina. 

"Why are you the one who drops them off? You're pregnant."

"Being pregnant doesn't mean you can't walk around." She pouts at me. "Plus I heard that there was a photo shoot today with twins and I already knew who it was so I thought I would help you and pick them up."

"Thank you." I smiled at her and made the kids sit on the leather couch on the wall opposite to my desk.

"Have you gotten a dress yet for the dinner tonight?" 

"Dress?" I gasped totally forgetting to get myself and the kids clothes for the party tonight. "Oh my god no, I forgot. I can find something for myself but I don't think the kids have any fancy clothes that fit them anymore either."

"Still forgetful as ever." She sighs. "What are you going to do then? The mall doesn't exactly sell children suits for Jihyun."

"Ugh." I buried my hands in my face. "I'll think of something, the best I can hope for is that the twins didn't grow much from last year."

"I'll try to ask from friends with kids." 

"Thank you." 

"I gotta go, my husband's waiting downstairs." She says once she gets a text. "See you at the party."

"You too." I sighed and slumped in my seat. 

"Mommy what's wrong?" Jihyun frowns and walks towards me. "You look tired." 

"Nothing's wrong Hyunie." I cup his cheeks. "How was the rest of the photo shoot?"

"I wish mommy was there." He tugs on your sleeve making me smile again.

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