Chapter 2

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Today Jimin and I are supposed to go try on my wedding dress. I was so excited since he told me that it was custom made by an Italian designer.

I reached for my skinny jeans and a tank top plus cardigan and wore it. I tried slipping on my jeans but then I noticed that they were tighter than usual. I grunted as I tried to pull them but but nothing worked. 

Did they shrink or something? It can't be that I got fatter right? I've been eating a bit too much candy since halloween was just around the corner. 

I sighed and shook my head tossing the jeans onto my bed and settled with tights instead. I grabbed my wallet and phone and put them in my purse, I froze when I saw the envelope of money inside. 

It's been 1 month and I still hadn't touched it. I didn't know what to do with it, and I didn't want to use it. I wasn't going to use someone elses money which I had gained from an indecent misunderstanding.

[10:54] Jimin: 
I'm outside

I smiled when I read his text and got my flats on before leaving my apartment. I saw his car parked in front of the building and I got into the passenger seat. Jimin greeted me with his ever charming smile and gave me a kiss on the forehead. 

"Good morning, how was your sleep?" He grins and starts driving. I shrugged to his question and admired his side profile as he drove seriously. No matter how many times I see him he still makes my heart race, I can never get tired of it. 

"Can you believe that it's getting closer?" I grinned, Jimin eyes me with a smile then turns his attention back to the road. "I mean 7 years ago when we first met in middle school to dating in high school to now engaged even though we're still 20, so many years have passed and now we're getting married..." I paused. "We're going to spend our lifetime together."

"You know I didn't like that pause. Having second thoughts?" Jimin chuckles. "Even if you do then I won't let you, you're mine ever since you said 'yes'."

I rolled my eyes and intertwined his hand with mine. "You're the one. I couldn't think of anyone else but you." 


The shop assistant helped me with my gown and I looked in the mirror as she helped me zip it up. "Don't you think it's a bit small?" I muttered. 

She didn't hear me and attempted to zip it. I sighed and told her to give up, I walked out of the change room and Jimin smiled at me.

"You look beautiful in it." He walks up to me and takes a look but then he realized that it wasn't fully zipped. "Why isn't it zipped?" Jimin tries as well but he failed.

"I don't know... Maybe I gained weight?" I pouted. "It could have been all that candy." 

Jimin shakes his head with a smile on his lips. "I told you to stop before things got out of hand and this happens." He lightly flicks my forehead. "This is what you get for not listening to me."

I groaned knowing that he was right and that I should've stopped but a girl needs to have her sweets. I posed in front of the mirror trying to see how much thicker I had gotten, it wasn't much but compared to a month ago then I had certainly gained weight.

"How fast do you think we can have it altered?" I looked at Jimin, he stuck out his bottom calculating the amount of time needed, "is it really that long?" 

"It'll be a close call but it should be able to do. Choose a back up instead just in case." 

I glanced at all the other dresses on display but none of them had captured my attention like the custom designed one had. I was about done looking at the 10th dress when I started feeling sick. I covered my mouth and gestured an attendant for the nearest bathroom. 

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