Chapter 59

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"We managed to trace the location from where the video was sent."

I looked up from where I sat on the hospital bed with Ji Ae sleeping with her head on my lap. A detective walked into the room and told Jungkook the news.

"Where is the location?" Jungkook glanced my way before giving his full attention back to the detective. I habitually stroked Ji Ae's head and listened in on the conversation.

"It's an old office building an hour outside of Seoul in one of the more rural abandoned towns." The detective explained. "We have already dispatched a unit to stake out the area and see if there were any witnesses nearby, but since almost nobody lives in that town, we may not have a lot of luck."

I gently placed Ji Ae's head back onto the pillow and slipped out of the bed. She let out a small whimper and I kissed her head which immediately got her to settle. I joined the two men and rested my head on Jungkook's shoulder. "What will happen if they find that Jihyun is being held there?"

"We dispatched four of the local police officers, but it is highly likely that they will need reinforcements. To do that, we need to get a rough estimate of the number of people we're dealing with inside that building before we can send our own." The detective gave me a sympathetic look. "I know how you may feel. Each minute that goes by is another minute where your son is in danger. However, this process is unfortunately a long one."

"You're doing everything you can and I can't thank you enough for that." I sighed and hugged myself.

An unsettling feeling has been burrowing itself deep within my chest for the past 20 minutes. Something was happening to Jihyun. I could just feel it and it terrified me. Sana didn't look mentally stable in that video she sent us and with what I've heard from Ji Ae's testimonies, she was beyond rationale.

A phone rang in the room and all three of us reached for our phones. My screen was the only one lit up with the ID listed as 'BAE Fashion Director.' I apologized, slipping away for a moment to answer the call.

"Hello, Mrs. Han." I answered.

"Ms. Y/N, I wanted to stop by your hotel room to discuss the fashion show tomorrow, but had learned that you have checked yourself out?" I could hear the judgemental and annoyed tone in her voice. "I was told by one of the members of Silver Enterprises staff, Chan, that you had to leave due to personal reasons, but he wouldn't tell me why." Thank god for Chan. I would need to invite him out for dinner or tell Jungkook to give him and Avery a week-long vacation or something. "Can you please tell me what was so important that you had to leave the day before the show?"

"Like Chan said, I had to leave due to personal reasons." I spoke in a quiet but stern voice so Jungkook wouldn't hear me and waltz up to handle the situation. I was perfectly capable of handling it myself. "I don't see any reason why I must explain myself to you. I will be back before the show."

I hope...

"The show is in less than 24 hours." Mrs. Han snaps. "Mr. Bae gave you a once in a lifetime opportunity to start as an opener in his show. Considering your history with modeling, you should be more than grateful that he even gave you the chance. If you can't make the show within an hour before it starts, we're replacing you and consider yourself done in the runway industry."

"If that's so then so be it." My calm tone completely contrasted the war that was raging inside of me. From what I've seen, the modeling industry is toxic and everyone loves to berate each other. I would give it up in a heartbeat and return to my boring desk job in finance if it meant that my kids were safe. "I know that what I'm doing will always be more important than walking down that runway, but don't worry. I will walk that runway just out of spite. But if I still can't make it, tell Mr. Bae that I was grateful for the opportunity."

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