Chapter 6

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I groaned in frustration and pulled on my hair. My voice echoing throughout the empty apartment. The kids had started school today and my mother was currently out to pick them up. 

I rested my chin on the table and stared at the job employment site, of course there were jobs available but they weren't ones that payed well. 

I'm way more qualified than to be a storage stocker... I didn't graduate from Harvard just for this!

I grinded my teeth scrolling for more job openings. Janitor? Nope. Waiter? Fail.... Bartender and strip- Yea hard pass. Store clerk? Best out of all of them

I was ready to flip the table when I got a text message. 

How does it feel to be back?

RN? Sucks

Lol what happened?

I'm currently unemployed 


Wtf is that supposed to mean

OMG it's like the universe meant for this to happen

Yesterday our Finance department head resigned cuz he got hit by a car....

Sorry not sorry since he was a douche but our company is looking for someone to fill his place. Applications are open, if you want to apply

Don't you normally have to be promoted to be the department head???

Yea idk what's wrong with our vice president

He was the one who set the rules. If you want the promotion you gotta go through the interview like everyone else

You're honestly amazing thanks for telling me

It's nothing, I'll text you the details

I put my phone down and squeal. I grinned and rested my head on the table. Oh my god, this is seriously fate! It's right up my shitting alley too! I'm 100% going to ace this interview.

"Mommy... Did you go insane?" A voice said at the door. I looked up and my kids were standing there with my mother. All looking at me like I was mental. 

"I'm perfect. I think I just found a job to apply for." 

"Finally, you looked like you were about to kill someone before I left the house." My mother sighed and I gave her a look. 

"Do we need money?" Jihyun questions and I shook my head. 

"No sweetie but if mommy doesn't work then sooner or later we won't have any. I need to work to give you a good life." I get up and bopped his nose. He frowns at me since he hates it when I do it but I can't help it, his nose is so bop-able. 

"Go to your rooms and change, homework before games ok?" I say and they nodded before going to do as they were told.

"What company are you applying for?" My mother asks and goes into the kitchen to prep some fruits.

"I don't know." I shrugged and she gives me a look. "Avery was the one who told me about it, she'll send me the details soon." 

"Avery? The one from college?" I nodded and grabbed a slice of apple earning a slap on the wrist. "These fruits aren't for you! They're for the kids!" 

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