Chapter 32

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My hands trembled as Jimin's mother stormed in our direction. I stepped in front of the kids and straightened my back. 

"It's never pleasant to see you again Mrs. Park." I said and the kids got off their cars and clung to my legs.

They knew plenty about Mrs. Park after trying to secretly listen to our phone calls and my nights raging about her.

"I told you that if you ever return to Korea to never see my son again." She glares at me then at the kids who were behind me. 

"I didn't seek out Jimin. He found me."

"Mother so you admit that you were the one who sent Y/N away?" Jimin glares at his mother and stepped in front of all of us, putting a barrier between his mother and I. "You told me that she left on her own, that she didn't want me to be burdened by having kids." 

Mrs. Park's eyes turned to her son and she spoke softly. "I didn't lie Jimin, Y/N did leave on her own. She decided to leave because she didn't want your reputation to be hurt and for an opportunity."

"She wouldn't have left if you had suggested it." Jimin raised his voice and Mrs. Park flinched. Jimin was a filial son, the only times he went against his mother was when we were dating and he had never raised his voice at her. 

"I only helped her get into her dream school and start a new life abroad." She tries to twist the truth with her words. "Isn't she very successful now? She had worked with one of the biggest companies in America, and I paid for her mansion."

"You may have, but I gave back every single cent." I pointed out.

"Mother you may have thought that you were doing the right thing, but at the expense of your son's happiness?" Jimin clenched his fists and I placed a hand on his arm.

"If she hadn't left then you wouldn't have fell for Rose!" Mrs. Park raises her voice and takes a step forward but falters when Jimin narrows his eyes at her. "If she stayed by your side then she would have dragged you down with those bastard children. Do you even know who the father is?" 

"Bastard children?!" I shouted and a few bystanders stared at us.

"I'm only giving Rose a shot because Y/N told me to move on, not because she left. If we haven't met then I would still be searching for her around the world." Jimin says sternly. "And yes mother, I know who the father is. I am pissed but I couldn't be happier for them. If it's Y/N and the children's father then they deserve happiness."

"Staying by her side will only get you hurt." She snapped. "Jimin, I forbid you from seeing her again and quickly marry Rose."

"You hurt me after sending her away. There is nothing that will make me listen to you anymore mother. I am a grown man, I can make my own decisions. I'm not going to hide behind your skirt anymore." Jimin shakes his head. "This isn't the first time Y/N and I have met mother and it won't be the last. We both may be with someone else but I'll still love Y/N and I'll stay by her side even if I have to be a friend."

"I will always love Jimin, he'll always have a place in my heart. Don't say that I don't love him." I stepped forward and Jimin looks down at me with a soft look in his eyes. "That love may not be the same, yes, but I'll never purposely hurt him." I looked up at him and smiled. "Jimin, we need to head back. They're probably wondering where we are and the kids are here too, they shouldn't see this." 

"Right." Jimin sighs and gives one last look to his mother. "You got what you wanted, Y/N and I can never be together again but you can't stop me from staying by her side. I let you control my life too far." 

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