Chapter 54

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The music started up which was my cue to school my facial features. I rolled my shoulders back then strutted down the pathway that was prepared for the fashion show in three days.

Taehyung and Mr. Bae stood at the end of the pathway accessing me for the last practice that I was going to get at the venue. Most models will walk this runway the day of the fashion show for the first time, but I was given special privileges.

"Remember to try and walk a little bit less powerful." Taehyung reminds me when he sees me tense and quickly my steps by a fraction. "You look like you're scared of the runway. How are you going to get anyone's attention and awe if you're giving them something to laugh about?"

His words sound harsh, yes, maybe, but sadly I needed the harsh reality to improve on my walk.

"If you're going to move your shoulders like that then at least make them even and keep the pace. It looks choppy."

"Remember that the focus is on the clothes. As long as you make the clothes look good, nobody can critique you." Mr. Bae adds.

"Are you guys sure that you want me to be the one who opens the show?" I asked them, walking down the pathway once more to reach where they stood. "It's my first runway and you really trust me with this?"

"You just have to believe in yourself Y/N." Taehyung puts his hands on my shoulder. "The problem you have right now is confidence. I think the articles are the cause of that, but don't let them deter you. This is a one in a lifetime opportunity for your runway debut."

I nodded my head and turned to Mr. Bae. "Sorry about that. I'll work harder."

"I have faith in you." Mr. Bae smiles. "I still stand by what I said about you. You'll soar to high places, Ms. Kim."

Mr. Bae checks the time on his watch and excuses himself because he had a meeting soon. He gave us access to the whole venue and allowed us to stay however long we liked.

Taehyung and I finished the rest of the tour of the venue. It was beautiful. The venue was an outdoor runway that would occur after sundown. The set up was similar to Givenchy's 2015 New York runway where it used the city as its backdrop and was by the water.

Seeing the long runway and the amount of seats that were set up for guests, it was starting to be unbelievable.

I was only going to walk the runway for a couple of minutes max, being watched and critiqued by a few hundred guests to the show, but what scared me the most was the blogs and reviews that were going to be written by reporters.

In the modeling circle, I was considered a noob and old. With the current scandals I was more likely to gain more attention than the clothes that I was going to wear.

Taehyung was right, I did have a problem with my confidence. I've ignored the articles up until now, but it was really starting to make a bigger impact because of the size of the stage I was getting.

"I think that's enough practice for today." Taehyung announces when he sees me waver. "The sun set a while ago. We should probably get dinner and head back to our hotel rooms to rest."

I agreed with him and we got back into our town car. Our driver drove us to a restaurant where we had reservations then back to our hotel once we were done with our meal.

I departed with Taehyung after we exited the elevator together. Our rooms were on opposite sides of the hotel. Taehyung had an executive suite and the company had gotten me the presidential suite even though I think it should've been the other way around.

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