Chapter 7

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We walked into the busy restaurant, a waitress showed us to our tables and I took a seat. I looked around admiring the interior with a huge smile on my face.

"Mommy, why are we eating sushi?" Ji Ae asks and I smiled widely at her.

"Because mommy got a job." 

"But why sushi? You never allow us to eat sushi." Jihyun raises an eyebrow at me pushing the menu away.

"Because the pay is $35 dollars per hour, I already make more than back home without working for it." 

"Wow mommy! Are we like rich rich now?" Ji Ae gasps nearly knocks over her cup.

"Maybe." I laughed and looked at the menu. "Order anything you want. The food should arrive a little after they get here."

"Who else is coming?" 

"Mommy's friend. You met her the last week remember." I said selecting the salmon nigiri and spicy salmon roll. "She was the one who told me about the job, I should treat her shouldn't I?"

"But you said they." Jihyun pointed out took the iPad out of my hand and starts ordering.

"Mommy can't have friends?" I raised an eyebrow at them and then the door opened. I saw them and waved at them. 

They made their way over and took a seat. "Y/N! Oh my god I missed you so much!" 

She gave me a hug and I hugged her back. "Hey Ina. You really look pregnant don't you" 

She blushes and rubs her baby bump. "6 months in. A daughter." 

"Congrats!" I smiled and looked at my own two babies who were eyeing at us. "Hyun, Ae, this is Ina. She's one of my high school friends."

"Yea and apparently she also works at the company where we had also met." Avery grins and side Ina a side hug. "Pretty sure that this is fate."

"Oh yea, speaking about the company." I remembered. "Did the previous secretary seriously try to sit on his lap?"

Avery and Ina both nodded at the same time. "Yes."

"It's because she's a slu-" Avery looked at the kids and smiled. "Because she's not a nice lady, trying to steal her best friends fiance."

My eyes grew wide. "Oh wow, what kind of friend would do that..."

"A fake and thirsty one." Ina muttered. 

"Mommy what does that mean?" Ji Ae asks and I sighed. 

"Just keep ordering your food, you never heard this conversation." 

They nodded and pressed the order button. 

"Honestly though, Yoona has changed so much since high school." Ina shakes her head and I cock and eyebrow up.

"Wait. Yoona from high school? Our friend Yoona?" I choked on my tea. Ina and Avery nods and I thought back to the quiet girl from high school. I guess she did change a bit when we entered university but she was still kind of the same Yoona.

Other than the fact she left when I needed friends.

"Yea she deserves it." I say after a long pause and they nodded in agreement.

Shortly after our food came and I was shocked at how much the kids had ordered just for themselves. I was practically feeding an army.

"So? Are you excited to be the FD?" Avery asks and takes a bite out of her pork cutlet. 

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