Chapter 11

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I am currently lying in the same bed with my boss and my children in between us. How did I end up here?

"Do you have extra clothes?" I gave up and Jungkook nods.

"I can ask someone to get you clothes." 

"WEEE! WE GET TO STAY AT DADDY'S!" The twins start cheering and running around the house.

"NO RUNNING! YOU'LL BREAK SOMETHING!" I yelled at them but they didn't stop. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Jungkook.

"They're children, just let them."

"Everything here is priceless, what if they break something?" 

"I can always replace it."

Rich people just because they have money they think they can replace everything.... I glared at him and removed his hand off my shoulder before following my children.


Y/N harshly removed my hand off my shoulder and sent me a glare. I was confused about her sudden change in attitude. Did I say something wrong?

I looked at Mrs. Choi and she only shakes her head and sighs. "Master, coming from a common family as well I would be offended too if you started spending your money around like it was nothing." 

"She's mad just because of that?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "I thought women like it when guys spend money."

"Not every women." She coughs and heads upstairs but not without saying. "I'll call Mr. Jung to get some clothes for the three of them." 

I stood there and rubbed the back of my nape. Why are women so confusing.

I followed Y/N and found her looking at an empty hallway lost. "What are you looking for?" I asked and she turns around, a look of relief on her face.

"Where's the bathroom? I need to get them bathed." I motioned them to follow me and I lead her to the guest bathroom. 

"I'll have clothes placed outside the door and once you're done go to the living room." She nods her head and I went to my room to change as well.


I started bathing the twins, everything was going fine until Ji Ae being Ji Ae ran out of the tub. She slipped out of my grip and before I could catch her she was already at the other side of the huge bathroom.

"Ji Ae we're not at home stop playing!" I warned her and chased after her.

She only grins and turns on the faucet for the shower. I let out a shriek when I was hit with ice cold water, she quickly turns it off and runs back into the tub giving me her signature cheeky smile.


"Hyun... Watch your sister." I clenched my teeth and he nods holding onto her so she wouldn't escape again.

I wringed the water out of my hair before I went to finish their bath. I slightly opened the door to see three pairs of clothes left there. I finished dressing the kids before taking them to the living room.

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