Chapter 46

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I arrived at the park near the school the twins attended. The park was full of kids playing after school with their parents standing on the side watching.

Many kids were playing on the bars and the slides, but Ji Ae sat on the swing with Jihyun pushing her.

There was a large gap between my kids and the other children like they were isolated. A few mothers were whispering to each other and eyeing my children. I glared at them then walked towards my twins.

"Babies, are you having fun?" I called out and they smiled when they saw me.

"Mommy!" Ji Ae hopped off the swing while it was in the air.

The group of mothers turned their attention to me and I picked up my daughter. "Did you guys wait long?"

"Nope, we were just having fun." Ji Ae wrapped her arms around my neck and I kissed her cheek. "Are we going to be late for the photoshoot?"

"We have a lot of time." I assured her and grabbed Jihyun's hand. We walked over to my car and they got into the back seat. While they climbed in and wore their seat belts, I turned to look at the moms. They were uneasy when they saw me looking directly at them, but I simply smiled and waved. "Nice to meet you. I hope that our children can play nicely in the future. I wouldn't want them to be playing alone."

"Mommy, ignore them." Jihyun said calmly and I got into my car and looked at Jihyun and Ji Ae through the rearview mirror. "Those people aren't our friends. They're boring. Our friends are waayyy better, but mommy was just late and they already left."

I smiled at the little pout that he gave me. "Really? I didn't know that my children were so amazing like that."

"We're mommy's children." Ji Ae kicked her feet up. "Mommy is the best. Mommy is the prettiest. And Mommy is going to be in fashion week."

"Who can compare and meet our standards?" Jihyun added smugly

"You know, there is a word for people who think like you do." I started the car and started driving towards the shoot. The kids tilted their heads at me curiously. "You have a superiority complex. You think that you're better than everyone else."

"Is that a bad thing to have?" Ji Ae asks.

"Of course." I laughed. "It's a bad trait to have in general, but do you know why it's worse to have?" They shook their heads. "Because the witch also has it."

"WHAT?!" My daughter gasped. "I don't want to be like the witch!"

"Is that why she's a witch?" Jihyun was smart enough to ask.

"Sana had a superiority complex because she grew up privileged." I warned them. "She looked down on everyone who she thought was worse than her, that was why she looked down on you and mommy."

"That's mean." Ji Ae frowns and I see her fingers dig into the seat. "Not everyone is lucky like her."

"Exactly." I stopped at a red light then turned around and grabbed her hand. "That's why you shouldn't look down on people. If we have never met your dad, then our lives wouldn't have gotten better. Never take what you have for granted. Be grateful and share."

"Mommy." Jihyun narrows his eyes at me. "Are you just trying to convince us to like Jungkook again? You asked us if Jungkook could come with us."

"Whatever you do is your decision." I turned to my son. "I'm just saying that our lives would be completely different if we hadn't met Jungkook. You're lucky to have a dad who loves you even if you don't love him. Remember how you used to feel when you saw everyone with their daddy, but you never had one?"

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