God Bryan x Inpu

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"Camp Oasis interesting, maybe I could check up on Bri."

I am the Son of Aphrodite and the God of love sense my mother has retired I've been hard at work. However humans look down on me for I'm supposed to already have a lover and be shown as the god of love, humans just think I have to have someone.

"BRYAN!" I turn around to be tackled to the ground by my little sister.

"haha HI BRYAN IM GLAD YOU COULD MAKE IT!" Bri mostly screamed into my ear.

"haha hi Bri how are you?" i asked as she quickly got up and helped me up

"its been interesting here I wish you could stay with me." Bri said looking sad.

"Bri I learned I'm going to be staying a little bit longer then I thought 

"REALLY!" Bri quickly began jumping then quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the cabins.

"B-Bri slow down I'm not going to need a cabin.

Bri stopped and turned around.

"Of course you are silly if your going to be staying here." Bri quickly says pulling me off again.

"B-Bri im staying at the mansion remember I'm not exactly welcomed here." i say as Bri stops again.

"I forgot about that you'll still come and hang out at camp right?" Bri looks up teared eyed 

"Bri," i cup her face in my hands and lean down " of course i will maybe i could meet the other pantheons but gods are not really welcomed sense most just dropped there kids off here." i say letting her go.

"BRI WHO IS THAT!" someone calls

"OH HI XYLO OH AND HI KAY!" Bri says jumping up waving as the two people run up to us.

"wow your tall." Kay says looking up at me

"hehe yeah oh I'm Bryan  Aphrodite by the way." i say holding my hand out to shake hands.

"w-wait Isn't Aphrodite retired and Bri's here does that mean your a god?" Xylo says looking at me with hatred in his eyes.

"w-well I'm sorta like a God b-but I don't like using my powers and stuff."  I say scratching my head nervously.  

"Why are you here then?" Kay asked

"Well Bri wanted me to come I also wanted to get to know some of the other pantheons and help with any problems." I quickly say as i see them look shocked

"FINALLY A GOD WANTS TO HELP!" Xylo says lifting his arms in the air, " let me guess you just got the God role?" 

I nod my head, what all has happened in this camp and if its bad enough why aren't other gods helping.

(Time skip thanks to Kay and Xylo complaining)  

Inpus pov

I've been at this camp for a week now Magnus has been reading trying to find another book of the dead and Solis has been hanging out with scar and been exploring. Today I decided to explore around the camp and maybe find someone who could help. 

"ouch." someone had run into me or i ran into them I rubbed my head and looked up they were beautiful and handsome.

"S-sorry for that here."  I'm suddenly lifted to the ground 

"Interesting." i mumble

"I'm Bryan by the way." he says holding his hand out

"Inpu son of Anubis." I say and take his hand and shake it.

'You have some mighty strong power there Bryan." I say sense a lot of power

"Well that wouldn't surprise me I have a lot of powers." Bryan says scratching his head.

TrUsT H1M 1nPu

The voices. 

"INPU YOU THERE!" I jump seeing Bryan crouched down trying to see what's wrong

"I'm fine thanks hey do you think we could see each other again?" I ask

"of course I live a little bit away from the camp its not hard to miss." He says happily

"oh! do you by chance have a library by chance?" i ask

"Of course I do I'll show you it if you ever come by." he says running off smiling and hugging someone.

oh my god he's perfect I blush and stand there  quickly shaking out of it and quickly walking back to my cabin to tell magnus.


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