Shino x Artemis fluff

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Artemis pov
It was almost the Halloween party and I had still so many costumes to make I hadn't even finished mine yet. It was around 3 am at the time I was sewing together Blake's dress she was going to be the wife from Lady and the Tramp, I had finally finished the lace went I heard a faint knock on the door.
"Artemis are you seriously still up again? " shino says opening the door and standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.
"S-sorry shino i-ive been working on costumes for everyone! " I say scratching my head smileing and then yawning.
"Here come downstairs we'll watch a movie or something till you fall asleep. " shino sighed.
"B-but I need to finish these! " I stutter and going back to measurements. I quickly feel me being lifted up and being throwed over a shoulder.
"H-hey s-shino put me down! " I squirm around as he carries me over and throws me onto the couch.
"You need to sleep Arti and if this is what we need to do I will force you to sleep! " shino sits on the couch and pulls me into his lap, he turns on a movie and cuddles into me. I cuddle back and soon enough I'm engulfed into the darkness of sleep.
Shino pov
Arti finally fell asleep, he barely even sleeps anymore it's just sewing and making sure he gets stuff done. While yes it's a great trait but he needs to pay attenchen to his health. I soon fall asleep.
"SHINO! " I quickly jump up and see arti and riku standing there in there uniforms and backpacks.
"Oh shit I sleep in didn't I! " I freak out and they both nod I jump. Over the couch and run into my door and quickly put my uniform on. I rush back upstairs and all three of us rush out and into the school.
I sat down and mostly stared at Artemis durning class admireing beauty. 
"DINNNNNNNGGGGGG! " the bell rang and everyone quickly grabbed our stuff and headed out for lunch.

The Famous Films one shot ships| DISCONTINUEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ