vendi x bryan

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The cold wind hit my face as I stared up towards the large building standing in front of me. Bits of snow dropped turning my noise slightly red. I took a deep breathe as I walked towards the building the large glass doors sliding open as I stepped in front of them. I turned heading to the front desk as anxiety filled thoughts filled my mind. 'Why did Vendi call for a emergency meeting with me?' 'Is this about the portal, or the mall, maybe its about the car crash...' 

"Hi, Stephine! I believe Vendi has a meeting with me today!" I smiled fixing my red blazer. "Hm, well I suppose you know where his office is." She smiled looking up at me from her computer. I nod and headed towards the stairs heading up them. I kept taking deep breathes them becoming more frequent the further up I got. Almost to the point where I felt I couldn't breathe. I finally got to the top where only one door stood. A black door was there only a window in it to tell it led anywhere important. I took one last deep breathe closing my eyes as I knocked against the glass a polite yet solid knock hearing a muffled "Come in~" Him drawing out the in, in a sing song type. I smile opening the door to the large office which Vendi stood in the middle of with two drinks in hand. "Why hello Bryan how's work been?" Vendi smiled holding out one of the glasses towards me. "It's been the usual Vendi how's it been for you?" I asked taking the glass from him. "Its been the usual here come, sit with me I would love to discuss some things with you." He motioned toward the couches in the corner, I sat down on one and sank into it, it felt like a cloud on my back after everything that had happened. I leaned forward setting the glass on the glass coffee table. Vendi sat next to me following my lead with setting the drink on the table than turning towards me, I faced him starring into his bright ruby eyes them seeming redder than usual almost more beautiful than normally. I felt my cheeks get hot as I realized I was starring longer than usual quickly looking away to take a sip of my drink to be met with those eyes again. "So you said over the phone it'd be easier to explain not answering in person? Are you alright it's be awhile." Vendi's eyes seemed to gain a sparkle of wonder in them, "Oh well I've figured out who my real father is." I sighed as curiosity filled his gaze. "You don't seem happy about that though Bryan." I sigh fiddling with the hem of my suit, "Not really he has...passed." I mutter seeing sorrow fill Vendi's eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry Bryan." Anxiety fills as he worries, "N-No it's no big deal Vendi trust me I barely knew him didn't even know he was my dad till way after he passed." I retorted, worry stares back at me as he grabs my hand . "Bryan are you sure that's all that happened?" he smiles rubbing his thumb across knuckles staring warmly into my eyes. "We-well I also got into a car wreck-" I mutter  "WHAT!" Vendi jumped up from the couch standing in front of my his hands holding my cheeks as he stared deeply into my eyes. " ARE YOU OKAY WAS ANYONE ELSE IN THE CAR PLEASE TELL ME EVERYONE IS OKAY!" Vendi urged his breath becoming extremely fast. I smiled a small chuckle came from my throat. "Wh-why are you laughing this isn't funny!" Vendi stuttered staring deeper, "Everyone is okay Vendi I got a few scrapes and passed out for a week or two and Gregory had several cuts but otherwise that was it it was only the two of us." I explained Vendi sighing and slowly sitting back down taking a large drink from his glass. "My you can't scare me like that." He choked turning back towards me, "However sense everyone came out okay I'll spare you of my lecture just please be safe next time." I chuckled nodding my head, "I'll defiantly be safer next time I was just so stressed when it happened that I didn't see the second tree I suppose." A sigh escaped Vendi's lips, "Good I was beginning to worry we'd never make it too that date." Vendi chimed as worry filled my mind. "OH MY GOD THE DATE I'M SO SO SORRY VENDI I DIDN'T MEAN TOO BLOW YOU OFF LIKE THAT!" I cried out leaning forward with my face in my hands only hearing a small chuckle from the other party. I feel hot as he pulls my face up towards him "You didn't blow me off or anything like that we still need to plan something for a later date." His voiced filled with honey and sweetness making me turn redder. "anyways I don't believe I was able to give you your gift." Vendi stood up heading towards his desk, I quickly followed suit standing on the other side of his desk as he dug through a drawer. He pulled out a small box wrapped in red wrapping paper with small golden bow designs covering the paper with a golden ribbon with red sparkles glittered through out it. "Vendi you didn't have too I can't accept this." I insisted pushing the present back towards him. "Oh but I insist Bryan your quite special to me and one of the only ones I truly feel as though I had some sort of connection to." He pushed the present back towards me as I picked it up. I pulled at the perfectly formed bow untying it carefully opening the box to a golden ring with a bright red ruby shining in the center with small engravings carved around the ring. "Oh my... Vendi I can't accept this its obviously way too expensive-" "Oh but I want you too." Vendi carefully picked it up setting the box to the side grabbing my hand and sliding it on. "Vendi I-I wasn't able to get you a gift i mean its absolutely beautiful and I love it but I just don't feel right accepting this." I explained as he shook his head. "Bryan I don't care for any gifts in return just let me give you this." I blushed starring at the ring again. "Well I do have an idea for something I could give you in return." I smiled staring into his ruby eyes again. "Hm and what is that?" He said eyes full of curiosity. "This." I pulled him closer slowly connecting our lips him returning the kiss both pulling each other closer till there's no room left between us my hands on his waist and his on mine. I pull away "I-I I'm so-sorry I shouldn't hav-" I stuttered staring into his eyes as he quickly pulled me back into a deep kiss blush covering both of our faces as we both close our eyes again each only pulling apart to take a small breath. "I-I think this makes up for the date huh?" Vendi chuckles his voice full of sweetness as he stared into my eyes as i stare into his.

A/n: Hi Everyone sorry for the huge delay in chapters. A lot of stuff has been going on in my life recently which has made it where I haven't been able to write for a long time, However it is now summer vacation and I should have plenty of time to write! It also helps that a couple of my irl friends have begun reading this and keep yelling at me to read, If your reading this you know who you guys are. However getting off of that I'm getting updated on all the episodes I've missed in the series so I can be as accurate as possible and get as many of the request finish. Hope you have a good day/night and slay the haters away Piece out!

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