chapter thirty-nine

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Jessalynn stopped coming to New Ruler meetings, and it relieved him that she did.

With her not around, things were easier. Less confusing.

Frick stayed busy with his own mate and with both of them not around, he did not have to think about his feelings.

He stopped watching the videos and decided if he had not remembered his feelings by now, then he was not supposed to remember them.

Maybe he was a better King without all those feelings. It was hard enough handling the ones he already had.

Hatred. For his Queen's boyfriend.

Longing. For the days before he was a King without a real Queen. Before, he was mated without a real mate.

Watching those videos only confused him more. It was like watching someone dressed up as him. He would almost believe it could not be him except for rare moments when he would remember something or feel something that let him know it all happened.

There was nothing he would not do for his Queen, even now, but once that feeling had been a need in him.

He had gotten a taste of that feeling when he learned that the ones who hurt her was under his care.

He had wanted to do a lot worse than send them to a remote area and see if they survived.

The need in him to punish them was not something he ever wanted to feel again. He had kept himself in check with the human Dom, but it was difficult.

Someone should have mentioned how much trouble a mate could be. Or better yet, someone should have mentioned how much trouble humans would be. Not that he would change his decision to come here, but he would have liked to be better prepared.

Other than his four ex advisors, his people were handling the situation better than him. They were all either satisfied with their mates or eagerly awaiting their mates.

The humans were adjusting as well as can be expected. The oncoming Ratkilgons were no longer feared. A war with them would not be an issue. He already had a ship prepared to deal with them before they could be a threat to this planet.

Everything was transpiring at a nice steady pace and moving towards a favorable outcome between the two species.

Everything was moving along perfectly except for him.

He was at a standstill, and that was not even the part that bothered him. What bothered him is when she did something that threatened his peaceful existence. When she disrupted the calm charade, he was trying to maintain.

He would swear she did it on purpose, except she did not seem to like it any more than he did.

"Does she have your approval, my King?"

Sighing, he waved away his screens. "My Queen having to ask for permission over every little thing is becoming tedious."

"That is the way, my King."

"If she has to ask for consent, then she has no more say than anyone does."

"That is true, my King. You have final say over all things. Just as it has always been."

"Change it. Unless her orders are in direct violation of my orders or unless they could mean harm to herself or others, then follow her commands without bringing the matter to me."

"Yes, my King."

Kellum pinched the bridge of his nose while he awaited her come back. His Queen always had something to say.

"My Queen says she did not ask for that kind of power and she does not want it. All she wanted was for Will to be able to offer sex education to any of our kind who would like it. Now she says, never mind. If you find her requests too bothersome, then she would definitely love to stop asking for a moment of your precious time."

"Is that all, Dezrick?"

"It would seem so, my King."

"Good. You may advise the city advisors that I approve of their work so far. With all the warehouses and the buildings, we are not using gone, things are already looking much better. I want the roadways and bridges removed next. Do they foresee a problem?"

"No, my King. It will take longer but they do not foresee a problem."

"Good. Bring up the files concerning how humans feel about the loss of factory goods on screen one. Was my Queen right about how people would handle the loss of products?"

"Yes, my King. Even the ones adjusting well, dislike the thought of losing the things they enjoyed most in life."

"Bring up the list on screen two. Why would they have need of cell phones? Wrist bands are for communication. Were they told of the health issues that were associated with these devices?"

"They were, and they were unconcern. They seem used to possessing things that have some unhealthy benefits to them. If left to them, they would accept the risk factors."

Humans seemed to thrive on at least some risks. "They might miss cell phones, but they are managing fine without them so leave cell phones on the banned list and leave the removal of all towers and lines for abstraction."

"Yes, my King."

"The same for their fast-cooking appliances. If they do not feel like cooking, then they can attend the cafeteria as they should. I have never heard of anything so distressing as the way they cook meals. It is a scary thought."

"Humans believe that time efficient suppress all other benefits, my King."

"I believe that to be true but have to wonder at all the time-consuming materials on the list. Reading for enjoyment? Television? They eliminate time doing what needs to be done so that they can have more time to do what does not need to be done."

"Yes, my King."

"I have looked over the material list and have decided they may keep books. The educational ones and the ones solely for entertainment purposes. I also suggest for more of our kind to download the software for reading and writing. Having this knowledge could be beneficial. I want to encourage them to try reading a few of the human's books. There is much to be learned. Books might go along ways in helping us understand humans and their way of life. As far as their television and movies, I want you to download all of them. There is no harm in letting them keep them."

"Yes, my King. My King, my Queen says she forgot to tell you to bite her."

He sighed.

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