chapter fifty-nine

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"She is still standing where you left her. I do not blame you for running. Her tears are powerful and can leave wounds." Frick sat down next to him.

His eyes glistened.

Kellum had to look away from them. He glanced around the dark gym. "I was sitting here when I realized just how much I belonged to her."

They came to be standing in the field of wildflowers. "This is where I was standing when I felt desire for the first time."

He took his friend to the rooftop. "Here I experienced true fear."

"You are making me dizzy."

At the club it was rage, then he took Frick to the throne room. "It was here that I felt love for the first time, and betrayal for the first time. I remember all of it now and I still feel all of it."

"That is a good thing. I think."

"Feelings weaken us and make us stronger." He sat upon his throne. "I failed her. At every chance. I never wanted to hurt her and all I have done is hurt her."

"You are hurting her right now."

"I destroyed his ship knowing what it would mean."

"Sometimes you must make the hard choice. She made it when she had to walk away from you, and you made it to keep him from taking her. You did what you had to do."

"I cannot feel her. How can I tell her it will be okay when it will never be okay?"

"Do not tell her it will be okay. Just tell her you love her. Be with her. You are both grieving, grieve together."

"I want her back." He did not try to disguise his pain. "My soul searches for something that it will never know it has found."

"Maybe the loss will be more bearable, with her at your side. You cannot feel what she is feeling, but you do not have to. You know she is hurting because you are hurting. What do you always do when she is in pain, Kellum?"

Standing in front of her, he went to his knees.

Her tears freed his.

The only arms he would ever know held him to her.

"Don't ever leave me again." She ordered.

"Never again." He promised.

"You're damn straight." She wiped the tears from his cheek. "You're not alone. Even if you can't feel me, I am right here."

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