chapter sixty-two

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Adrian faced them as soon as they enter the chamber. "My King, my Queen, we think Young-rae has thought of something."

He was only a few years younger than them. Slim and kept his head bowed. Even when his eyes weren't.

"He's not at his strongest here. He must be free of all restrictions. Sean thinks he's right. Even Jedda and Zon have some connections to the land. To nature. And we all know Annie never feels comfortable inside."

Suddenly, they were all standing outside on a hilltop full of flowers. It was such a beautiful day that Jess sighed. She didn't know where they were, but it was breathtaking. There were views of mountains in the distance. A forest, and yet you could still hear an ocean nearby.

Zon instantly turned into his white tiger and went to play.

Jess smiled at the shy boy. "Thank you, Young-rae. I think you're right."

"My Queen likes the wind. Can you give it to her?" Kellum asked.

The boy raised his arms and chanted as if talking to a friend, and the wind swirled around them. Growing in force until her hair danced in it.

Smiling in wonder, she watched as the trees swayed and greeted Sean. Giggling, Annie kicked off her shoes and skipped around the flowers.

Kellum gave her a squeeze to let her know that even though he couldn't feel her joy, he still knew how much she would be liking all of this. Their thrones appeared next to them. He wiped away the tears that had escaped her eyes, then he sat her in her seat. The rest found their chairs as well, except for Annie and Zon, who were still playing. Instead of sitting next to her, Kellum stood at her side so that he could have a hand on her.

"We need the others found."

"We agree, my King. Ritz has had no luck, but Jetidi thinks there's a good chance there will be at least one New Ruler aboard the Ratkilgon ship you seek to overtake. That would explain why they are too far away for me to feel them."

"They could also not know any better, my King. If I suddenly had a voice in my head, I do not know if I would answer it." Pureell suggested.

"I have already thought about the Ratkilgon ship, so I have ordered the ship to be overtaken before the hour is up."

"Kellum, shouldn't we be there to help?"

"If they are not out of my range, I will go when I am needed, and I will return as soon as possible. Ritz try to explain who you are and what you want. Let anyone who hears your call know that we need help, and we offer them help in return."

"Yes, my King."

In her panic, she gripped his hand. After giving his orders, he leaned in close to her. "It cannot be helped, my Jessalynn."

"I know." She did, but that didn't lesson her grip or her worry.

He could see that she was about to volunteer to go with him. "Rest while I'm gone, Jessalynn. There is nothing on this earth that could get me to take you with me while you are so weak. Spend time with Julian. You know how anxious he is to see you. You also know that Aunt Sarah made that banana chocolate pie just for you." He caught her chin. "I'm not the only one worried about you."

At her weak attempt at a nod, he turned to Pureell. "Can you help us?"

"That is not the question you seek, my King."

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