Chapter 1

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Last time, on dragon ball z, after the defeat of the demon king Piccolo's newborn at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, A time of 5 years has passed by, and the world was at peace, untill...


On a farm, a meteorite falls from space and lands on a farmers land.

Farmer: What was that?! A meteor?! I have to see this!

The farmer rushes into his blue pickup truck and drives over to the site. The famer stops and sees a giant hole caused by the mysterious object. He takes a shotgun from his car and walks over to check it out. As he gets closer, the mysterious object turns out to not be a meteorite, but some kind of pod. And that pod starts to open up.

Out of the pod, a man slowly steps out of it, revealing his long black hair, weird shapes armor, and some type of device on his face

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Out of the pod, a man slowly steps out of it, revealing his long black hair, weird shapes armor, and some type of device on his face.

Out of the pod, a man slowly steps out of it, revealing his long black hair, weird shapes armor, and some type of device on his face

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He jumps out of the pod and looks around.

???: So... This world is still inhabitated? Damn you Kakarrot!

Farmer: STOP!! WHAT ARE YOU?!!

The mysterious man clicks a red button on his device, revealing a number to pop up next to the Farmer.

???: Heh, A power level of only 5? What a pathetic Planet!

Farmer: S-stay back! I'm warning ya! I'm just a farmer, but I won't hesitate to blast your brains!

The farmer finally shoots the shotgun and the stranger's head. But, try man just quickly moves his hand over and catches the bullet. He then takes the bullet and puts it in between his thumb and index finger and shoots it back at the farmer, going through his head, killing him instantly.

???: What a bunch of weaklings.


The man's device beeps, revealing someone else in the distance.

???: Someone strong close by. A distance of 4880... Could it be?! KAKARROT?!!

The man starts to levitate into the air and blasts off into the direction his scouter is showing him. As he flies, he ends up stopping a green man standing alone in a desolate area. And this man is named Piccolo.

Dragon Ball Z Kyodai (Male Oc/Reader Insert) Where stories live. Discover now