Chapter 28. Dragon Meets Truth.

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~Truth~That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality

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That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.
Noun: the truth

~No one's P.O.V~

"This is just like what happened 20 years ago!"

"The Demon race is attacking!"

"Hang in there, little guy!" Jericho picked up the small Fairy who seemed to be feeling faint before taking off, running towards the Sacred Tree where Ban was bound to be located.

Behind her, a large Great Beast Albion had approached the Fairy King's Forest upon the barrier being taken down, leaving the forest more vulnerable than it had been for centuries.

Little did the sprinting woman know that at the Sacred Tree, a large Sunflower grew before spiting a powerful, glowing blast at the Albion, blowing it back. Above the large flower, a Fairy levitated with his hand stretched out in front of him, his palm open wide, eyes staring or rather glaring at the large being in front of him.

"Harlequin!" The Fairies that still had a field of vision from even where they were shouted out in surprise, seeing the Fairy that had once abandoned the Forest, now protecting it with all his might.

King folded his fingers into three different hand motions as the Sunflower began to glow once more, Charing up one of its beams, "Spirit spear Chastiefol, fourth configuration! Sunflower!" The flower fired its beam at the same time as the Albion had charged up its own, the two clashed up against each other, resulting in an explosion that blew King back into the large trunk of the Sacred Tree.

"He doesn't stand a chance against a beast like that!"

"He'll never beat that monster!"

Tears nearly in everyone's eyes as the King of the Forest pulled himself out of the tree trunk as he went back up into the air, wiping his nose free from the blood while he glared at the Albion.

"There's no way he can win this... So why is he...?"

"You're not taking down my homeland." He spat, tsking at the Albion. He's not going to give up that easily.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Something's not right." Y/n lifted a hand to her head, setting her palm over her forehead. She had felt it. She felt that Ban had pulled the blade. She could feel it being wrapped securely in the coat she had given him to do so with. But, something felt... Off.

"Y/n, what is it?" Diane asked, gaining the attention of the others, who listened to Meliodas explaining the situation, "Are you alright?" She asked once more, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Y/n gave a halfhearted smile to the human-sized Giant, placing her unoccupied hand on top of hers, caressing the back of it with her thumb, "I'm... Okay. I think. Just a bit dizzy."

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