47- Back to 4th Privet Drive

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"I have an idea who it could be," you told Bill, who looked at you, curious as to how you knew.

"Who?" he inquired sternly.

To leave him guessing as to who it could be, you decided to change the subject "Molly, this was a fantastic dinner. Much better than yesterday's pasta, which was extremely dry." You cast a glance at Sirius.

"You're very welcome, dear." With a smile, she said.

"Oh give me a fucken break (y/n). I'd been gone for twelve years and had forgotten how to cook." Sirius sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Your father isn't a great cook. I'd even say that the pasta we had yesterday was the best thing he's ever tried to cook. And thank goodness it wasn't burned, because he'd have found a way to burn it." Remus chimed in.

"I'm not a bad cook at all! Remember those pancakes I made for you, Nat and Prongs? They were excellent."

"Pads, they were undercooked in the center."

"Well, Natasha didn't say anything."

"Oh no, she did something you don't want to remember. She didn't say anything at first because, while the pancakes were cooked on the outside, the inside was simply...horrible." Remus tried hard not to laugh.

"Wait, wait, wait. I apologize for interrupting, but did you say Prongs?" Fred stepped in.

"Yes, I did." Sirius responded.

"You'd heard of the Marauders." There was a brief silence before you, Remus, and Sirius burst out laughing. "What?"

"Fred. They are the Mararduers. Technically, you are familiar with all of them. This is Moony." You directed your finger at Remus. "This is Padfoot." You pointed to your father. "Wormtail was Peter's traitor. James, my godfather, was Prongs."

"You knew and didn't tell us," George exclaimed, stunned.

"Well, I found out about a year and a half ago when my father left me a note in the common room with the initials P.F. Following that, I went to ask Dad if he knew what they meant, and he told me."

"And why didn't you tell us?" Fred bellowed.

"Because you didn't ask if I was familiar with the Marauders. If you had, I would have responded to your question."

"OK, we'll give you that one." George responded after he and Fred exchanged a she's-got-a-point expression.

"Wait a minute, Moony, you knew they'd opened the map and didn't tell me."

"You didn't ask me, as (y/n) stated. If you had asked me, "Did Fred and George open the map?" I would have said yes."

"Oh, you two and your bullshit." He rolled his eyes once more. "Molly, I'm impressed with the twins. They're quite clever and quite the jokesters, and I like them."

"Yes, which is why I wish they had taken more O.W.Ls. They could have passed all of them if they had put the same effort into opening their own joke shop."

"A joke shop?" Cried Sirius. The twins expected him to say it was a bad idea and that they should study to get a real job, but Sirius said the opposite "That sounds like a fantastic idea. You two would be far more successful than Zonko if you made more joke products like Tongue Tofu or whatever (y/n) said it was called."

"Do you really believe that?" Fred inquired, still unsure.

"Course! It most certainly would. I'm guessing you both got O.W.Ls in Charms and Transfiguration."

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