28- The Burrow

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The next morning Ginny woke you up since Mrs. Weasley wanted to have breakfast ready before Bill and Charlie arrived. You took a shower and quickly got ready to go help Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen. She asked you to make the eggs while she made some sandwiches; Ginny helped prepare some tea. After breakfast was finished Mrs.Weasley asked you to go wake up the boys while Ginny helped her set up the table. Luckily since Fred and George were in Rons's room you only didn't have to go to three different rooms. You went to Percy's room since it was the first one you came upon and knocked.

"Percy? Can I come in?"

"Yes the door's open (y/n)" you heard him yell. Upon opening the door you saw his desk was full of paperwork and he had quills all over the place. "Good morning (y/n)"

"Good morning Perce. Your mom says breakfast is ready and to hurry up since your brothers will be arriving in a few minutes"

"Okay thank you (y/n). I'll head down in a bit"

You nodded and made your way to Ron's room which was all the way up. Before heading to their room you poured some water into a cup since you knew Fred and Ron were probably going to be the hardest to wake up. Molly had asked you to wake them up as soon as possible and if it was necessary to throw water at them which you happily agreed to do. You knocked on their door and just as you expected George was already awake; out of all the brothers that you knew Percy and George were known to be morning people so they were usually always awake first.

"Good morning George. Your mom says breakfast is ready and to hurry up since Bill and Charlie will be here soon. But I can see you are already ready"

"Good morning (y/n). I'm ready but as you can tell those two aren't yet" he pointed to both his brothers who were fast asleep.

"Want to help me wake them up" you showed him the cup of water and he grinned mischievously. He had a jar of water in their room so he got that instead of the cup.

"I'll get Ron, you get Fred" he handed you the jar and took the cup; you were confused as to why he gave you the jar but he answered before you could ask. "Fred is harder to wake up"

"Oh I see"

"Ready. One...two...three!"  You two threw water at Fred and Ron who quickly woke up, startled they looked to see who did it. Their faces got bright red when they saw you two laughing.

"Morning boys" you said, trying to contain your laugh.

"Mom is waiting, might want to dry up and get ready before Bill and Charlie get here" George grabbed your hand when he saw both boys getting up.

"COME BACK YOU TWO" yelled Fred.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS" Ron yelled.

You entered the kitchen and broke into laughter. Mrs. Weasley and Ginny turned around putting the boy's scream and you two laughing together.

"Well at least they're finally up, what did you two do to them?" Ginny asked.

"Throw water at them" you replied. Mrs. Weasley joined you and started laughing as well. Footsteps were heard coming from the stairs; of course it was both boys who had their pajamas soaked, especially Fred.

"MOM LOOK WHAT THEY DID!" Ron yelled causing Molly to defend you two.

"Well Ronald and Fredrick Weasley I did ask everyone to wake up early and it seems like you two were the only ones who didn't. I also asked (y/n) to throw water at you if it was necessary"

"MOM" Fred yelled.

"Enough now you two go get ready, your brothers will be arriving any minute-" A noise from the living room interrupted Mrs. Weasley.

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