Part 10

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Klarissa's POV

I was crying again.

At this point, I had no idea how many times it's happened today. I've been replaying the moment that broke me over and over in my head and each time I've completely lost it.

I hate how much my happiness is hinged on him.

Despite his intense work schedule, I always tried to distract and take his mind off his dark realities. Nowadays, I give and give only to receive nothing in return. It's emotionally draining and it's all finally coming to the surface.

The only time I would feel the man I fell in love with, was when he would make love to me. I would see the softness and vulnerability in his eye. But not anymore. Recently, he hasn't had the time to love me like that. It's almost like his sex drive has vanished and he doesn't even want me anymore. Which makes sense given our last conversation. Maybe he doesn't want to deal with my emotions, so he refrains from taking me to bed. And when he does, he's just using my body to get off. It's like he said, he was just fucking me.

I hate the woman I have become in this relationship. He is just viewing me as one of his possessions that can be put up on a shelf. To get me back, he has some real work to do this time.

Granted that he even wants me back. It's been over 12 hours and he hasn't called or texted me. I know he knows where I am since I couldn't shake the man that followed me into the elevator.

Rolling over on my bed, I looked out the windows of my bedroom.

It was pitch black outside. The only form of light that was around was the moon and the fireflies that were outside my window.

Growing up, the fireflies always comforted me. Their calm and warm presence always mesmerized me and calmed me.

Rolling over onto my back, I wiped the tears that were on my cheeks. Touchingly face felt funny. It was very puffy and dry to the touch. I needed moisturizer but I hadn't brought any with me. I guess I could go ask my sister for some but I don't want her to see me like this.

I already poured my heart out to her when I got here, but I still feel slightly embarrassed. Embarrassed for my already failed marriage and lack of respect from my partner.

Even my father seemed to feel bad for me. Not that I was looking for any of his pity. I didn't even have to tell him about anything that happened for him to know. It was written all over my pathetic face. However, he still allowed me back home. He didn't even hesitate.

I couldn't sleep now.

It felt like my head was spinning, and resting was no longer an option. My body was tired, but not near as tired as my mind.

Slowly, I sat up on the edge of the bed and dangled my legs off the side of the bed.

With my room lit up with moonlight, I looked over towards my bedside table. For a moment I let my eyes fixate on the diamond ring on the table. I then reached over to it, and I slid it onto my finger.

Never has an object meant so much to me before. It was supposed to represent Lorenzo and I's future marriage and the love we share for each other. But now, it amounts to nothing.

Raw Love Vol. IIWhere stories live. Discover now