Part 28

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Klarissa's POV

When I came back into the bedroom, Lorenzo was standing in the mirror looking at the wound on his neck. Overall, it's healing nicely and should be fully healed in a couple more days.

When I closed the door behind me, he didn't even bother to look over at me. He then stopped looking in the mirror and turned to pick something up off of his nightstand. It was his keys.

"Where are you going?" I asked. "You're not even dressed."

He was shirtless and had on a pair of cotton shorts. They looked comfortable and he had tied the drawstring tight to keep them up on his hips.

"My office." he said as he started to push past me.

I'm not sure where he's going, but I knew it wasn't to his office. He was strapped with his gun, had his wallet in his pocket, keys, and was getting a sweatshirt from the chair near the door. My husband was lying and I needed to know where he was actually going.

"Okay." I said as I started to strip my clothes off.

I was using my body as the last resort to get him to stay. This was the only thing that might be able to make him rethink whatever he's about to do.

After I threw my shirt onto the floor in front of the bed, I climbed onto the bed. My bare chest was now directly in his view. When I finally looked up at him, I caught him starring. He then cleared his throat and turned and closed the door.

I closed my eyes with disappointment and reached down to pick back up my shirt. After I slid it back over to cover me, I hurried off the bed.

Slipping on my house slippers, I quietly slipped out of the bedroom. Rushing down the hall, I went over to the window that faces the driveway.

To my little surprise, I saw Lorenzo pulling out one of his expensive sports cars. He sat in the driveway for a couple minutes before he sped out of the estates gates.

I wanted to go after him, but I knew better. I'm not naïve and stupid anymore. I know I'm not capable of being out alone in this world. I might have the intimidating last name now, but sometimes that isn't enough. Accepting that it's only safe to go out with someone packing a gun and had the last name Russo was important. It's the only way I'll be able to survive.

While fighting the urge to cry, I sat down on the floor in front of the windowsill.

A thousand questions came to my mind. The main question I wanted answered was why was my husband lying to me? I get that he gets annoyed by me checking up on him, but it's not my fault I'm worried about him. I just can't lose him.

Based on how he was dressed, he obviously wasn't doing something for work. He was freshly showered and was dressed in comfortable clothes.

The only thing that I could think of was that he was meeting with someone. And when I say someone, I mean a woman. Has he already grown tired of me and wants something new? Was everything that he said on our honeymoon a lie and just a ploy to get me to fall deeper in love with him? He did tell me that he wasn't ready for marriage and maybe I should have listened.

Getting up off the floor, I looked out the window one last time. Turning away, I walked down the hall and past our bedroom.

I didn't want to be in the same bed as him when he got home doing God knows what with God knows who. The idea of having his hands touch me and them possibly being on another woman disgusted me. Knowing that he could just slip a ring off his finger and pretend like me and him never happened scared me. I'm trying my hardest to not thing that low of my husband, but I couldn't help it. I knew what the man I married was capable of.

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