Part 17

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Lorenzo's POV


She first introduced herself to me through Angelo. I don't know the specifics of where Angelo found her, but I assume it was from a club from somewhere far from here. She had a thick accent and dark tanned skin. Trust me when I say, the only reason she got clients was because she was foreign. Everything about her, including her figure, was nothing special. She's an easy lay, but I wouldn't even think of touching her. That's saying something since I've fucked more then half of my female employees.

At the time, I was in need of a prostitute who I could hire to sleep with asshole associates. In simple terms, I needed a rat. The problem with her was that she was too good of a rat. It took one too many months for me to find out she was a liar and a cheat. Not only was she feeding me information about my targets, but she was feeding them information right back. She was a complete waste of space, but maybe that's just because she crossed me. I tend to become a bit ruthless when I get pissed.

"Ciro." I said as one of my men handed me a towel to wipe the blood off my hands and knuckles. "Finish her off and make sure someone takes care of the body once your done. We have a flight to catch and I'll have your head if you're late."

"Yeah yeah." he said as he tried to catch his breath. "I'm not sure how long I'll be though."

"Well you better hurry it along." I said as I started to strip my blood splattered clothes off. "I'll really take the jet and make you fly economy."

"Shut up, no you won't." he said with a laugh.

Rolling my eyes, I walked over to the sink in the warehouse and started to clean up.

After washing all the blood of my hands, arms, face, and chest I pulled on a new white collard shirt. Making sure I didn't have any remains of the whore I beat half to death on me, I made my way out of the warehouse.

Getting into the back seat of the blacked out SUV, I instructed my driver to take me to the private airport. I was ready to get back to my fiancé. I've missed her.

On the two hour drive to the jet, I dealt with my last few business related issues. I decided that for the next few weeks, I was going to have Angelo take over for me. I wanted to be able to give my new wife my full undivided attention. And I know that when I tell her she'll be beyond ecstatic.

"Just pull up over there." I instructed as I pointed over at my jet.

Once the vehicle came to a stop, another one of my men opened my door so I could get out.

"Good afternoon Don." he said as he directed his gaze down.

"Good afternoon." I said as I readjusted my clothes. "Is everyone here?"

"Yes, everyone expect your youngest brother." he said as he got my belongings out of the back of the car. "But he called and said he was on his way."

"Good." I said. "And how about my fiancé? How is she?"

"She's been waiting for you. But there is something her father instructed me to tell you." he said in a quiet tone. "He was also very adamant about keeping this information from her."

"What is it?" I asked with concern.

"It's about her mother." he said as he looked up at me. "She's been diagnosed with a terminal lung condition."

Raw Love Vol. IIOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz