Part 32

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Klarissa's POV

The concrete corridor was humid and almost soundless, except for the clinking of my heels on the floor. I could hear the faint sound of women's voice crying out in pain or panic. It felt like I was walking into a real life horror movie, where the monsters were real and waiting for me to make the wrong move.

Lorenzo had his hand firmly holding mine in a protective matter. I knew that he could feel the anxiety and fear that was running through my veins.

"What even is this place?" I asked him in a small tone.

"A place that I shouldn't of brought you." He said in a clenched jaw. I saw that his eyes were fixed on something in front of us.

Looking up, I saw the figure of a man coming towards us.

"It's so nice to see you Don Russo." A creaky mans voice said as he finally came into the light.

The man looked like he was around my fathers age and size. However, he had dark grey hair that was pulled back into a slick pony tail. Around his neck, he had a a gold chain with a key on the end of it. Overall, he looked grimy and not someone I would want to be alone in a room with.

"I wish I could say the same." Lorenzo said as he shook the mans hand.

I then felt the mans piercing eyes on me. If I have learned anything from this life, it's important to be confident and shut the hell up.

"And who's this? You have never brought me a woman yourself." The man said as he looked over my body. I was starting to understand why Lorenzo didn't want me wearing such a tight dress. This man was literally checking me out in front of my husband!

The man then snapped his fingers and big muscular men surrounded around us. They were like vultures and it was obvious that I was their prey.

"She's not for sale Thomas." Lorenzo hissed as he used his free hand to retrieve his gun.

Everything was really starting to sink in now. I was where Lorenzo sells girls and probably a bunch of other illegal things. Rage and fear was starting to build up in me, but now isn't the time to show either of these emotions. I had to stay in control of myself.

"I wouldn't want to sell a girl like that either." the man laughed as he called off his men. "I'd keep her for myself too."

His eyes then fell on me. They looked me up and down and lingered on certain areas longer then I would've liked. I hate Lorenzo for bringing me here.

"Should we get to what the point of this meeting was?" Angelo suddenly asked bringing the attention off of me. "Don Lorenzo is very anxious to get home. We have a long drive a head of us."

"I'm sure he is." Thomas said as he nodded his head. "Follow me back."

As we all started to walk, I shot Lorenzo a nasty look. I was beyond pissed that he has brought me to this place with these types of people. He knows my feelings about this part of the business, yet still participates in it and involves me.

We finally walked into a huge room with a large wooden table with chairs. I could tell a negotiation was about to go down.

"Siéntate en silencio y no hables aunque se te hable." Lorenzo spoke in spanish to me in a quiet tone. (Sit quietly and do not speak even if spoken to.)

He then gave me a serious look before he pulled out the chair next to him at the head of the table. I nodded and sit down to the right of him. Once I was seated, he moved and sat down as well. All of his brothers followed his lead.

I was a little shocked when Lorenzo spoke to me in Spanish. He's never spoken to me in spanish randomly like that. The only time I really hear him converse spanish is when he speaks to my mother.

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