Part 38

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Lorenzo's POV

"Come to bed." she says as she pulled at the sleeves of her oversized shirt that she was wearing.

"Not now Klarissa." I say as I continue to look through the drug laundering documents on my desk. I'm drowning in work right now and sleep isn't an option.

"Please." she whispered begging me. "I need you."

"For what?" I ask as my concentration on my work starts to break. I'm not entirely sure what she could possibly want from me right now. She had her dinner and then I fucked her. What more could a woman need?

"I want you to come hold me." she said as her eyes grew big. "After we're together you just leave short after." Fuck. She misses me. I haven't been accessible to her lately and she isn't going to let me forget it. But the asshole in me is still gonna fight her.

"Baby.." I groaned as I ran my hands down my face. "Give me like 10 more minutes?" I knew damn well that if she agreed to this, I wouldn't end up going up to the bedroom.

"You say that every time and don't come up." she said in a disappointed tone. "Lorenzo forget it. I'll just go. I know you got a lot on your plate right now."

She gave me a small pained smile before she turned around and twisted the doorknob.

"I love you, goodnight." she said in a shaky voice.

Fuck. Why am I like this? Now even if I wanted to I wouldn't be able to focus knowing she's going to be upstairs all upset.

"Rissa wait." I call as I move to get out of my chair. She immediately stilled and looked over at me with glassy eyes. "I'm coming."

A soft smile comes over her lips and I approached her. When I reached her, I reach down and hugged her. She's soft and inviting. The way her body fits into mine just shows me how she was made just for me.

Pulling away, I scoop her up in my arms and continued to hold her close to me. I held her in my arms as I went up the stairs two at a time. God I love her. From her beauty to her gentle nature. She's everything that I'm not and I'm addicted to it.

"Baby?" she asks as I set her down on the bed.

"Huh?" I groan as I collapse down next to her on the bed.

"Do you ever miss me like I miss you?" she asks in a innocent tone.

Do I really make her feel so insignificant? Does she really sit around the house I bought for her wondering if I think about her?

"I miss you more then you think." I mumble tirelessly as I lay my head against her lower stomach and wrap my arms around her hips. "You're all I ever think about."

Laying on top of her now was making me realize how tired I actually am. Feeling her warm body was making me so sleepy.

"Are you even listening to me baby?" her soft voice echoed. Her hands rubbed the top of my back like she was trying to get my attention.

"Hhmm." I mumbled as I tried to open my eyes. "I'm listening."

"No you're not." she said as laughed. "Come lay down properly. I don't want you to hurt your neck."

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