Part 52

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Klarissa's POV

It was two in the morning and my phone kept buzzing on the nightstand. I wouldn't consider myself a light sleeper at all and this annoying buzzing managed to wake me up.

I pulled on the lamp on Lorenzo's bedside table and squinted as warm light filled the room. Sitting up on the edge of the bed, I picked up my phone and saw like 50 messages from my sister. With worry pulsing through me I opened her messages.

As I scrolled up to the top of the messages and started to read what she was writing in all caps.





There was an image that she sent and I clicked on it with curiosity.

'Lorenzo Russo seen taking mystery girl to his room in the after hours.'

I read the article title over and over again till what it was saying actually set in. Looking more at the photo, I saw Lorenzo leaning against the door frame. There was a woman in a small dress that was standing in front of him. Her hand was touching his chest and it didn't look like he was trying to push her off. It looked like they were looking at each other and talking about something.

My whole body was shaking and my eyes were stinging with tears. I couldn't believe what I was reading. There's no way this could be true. No chance in hell would Lorenzo fuck another woman. Was this the whole reason he wanted to go to Dubai on such short notice? Has he had someone on the side the whole time?

I didn't know what to do. Should I call him or should I just wait for him to come home? Or is he just going to pretend like nothing has happened?

Had my husband really cheated on me? Did he really just embarrass me and our whole marriage in front of the media?

With anger and emotions running through me, I decided to call him. I dialed the number and listened to it ring. Even though we are in completely different time zones, I know he is awake. He never fucking sleeps.

On the last ring, he picked up. It felt like he was waiting to see if I would just end the call.

"Hello?" he asked through the phone. That voice. His smooth and gently voice that reminds me of home. It was the voice of the man I love.

"How could you!" I yelled as my tears threatened to fall. "After everything that we've been through! After everything YOU'VE put me through!"


"I'm not finished! And don't you ever fucking call me baby again!" I screamed. "I wake up to my sister texting me images of you and some other woman! What the fuck is this about! You said you were going to Dubai for business and now I find out you're bringing other women to your hotel room!"

"Can we please not do this over the phone." he begged. "The whole thing is complicated."

"How complicated can it be?" I asked in an amused tone. "You brought some girl up to your room and you fucked her. You touched her with the same hand that has a wedding ring on it and kissed her with the same mouth that promised to be faithful to me!"

"Rissa please it's not exactly like you think." he tried to say.

"Who was she?" I asked as my voice caught. "Or did it not even matter to you who it was? Do you really have such little self control that you can't even stop yourself from fucking a random whore in the club?"

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