Part 11

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Lorenzo's POV

My muscles were burning. I could feel each muscle in my arms contracting and releasing each time I picked up the weight.

I've only been in the gym for an hour and I'm already exhausted. The fact that I drank way too much and I'm hungover doesn't help either. All the veins in my neck and head feel like they're gonna explode.

"Fuck." I mumbled as I dropped the weights on the floor.

I couldn't do it anymore, I was in too much pain. Not only physically, but emotionally.

It finally sunk in that Rissa was gone. Gone due to my very own stupidity and recklessness. I know that without a doubt, I deserve all the pain that I'm feeling right now. She loved and gave me everything she had, and I still treated her like shit.

By now the self loathing was setting in, but it was nothing I haven't felt already. I'm used to this pain, and the twisted part of me kind of liked it. It gave me something to think about other than her.

Putting the weights back on the rack, I collected my things and walked towards the public showers. One of the things that I hate the most about living in my apartment, is that I don't have a private gym. My bothers and I have to use the public one if we want to work out.

After informing my bodyguards where I was going, I walked into the showers. I usually go back up to the penthouse to shower, but I didn't feel like having to converse with everyone there. By showering here, I get a few extra minutes of peace.

After picking a shower, I stripped off my sweaty tank top and sweats. I then threw them on top of my gym bag and turned the water on. The water was freezing and I enjoyed it.

Suddenly I heard soft footsteps hitting the tile floor behind me. I could tell that the person whom was making the noise wanted to be quiet, yet noticed.

Turning my head, I watched as a woman came into view. She had a nice body, perfect even. Through her clothes, I could see her tight and toned muscles.

The woman's face wasn't bad either. She had a strong jawline, big brown eyes, a button nose, and nice plump lips.

The longer I looked at her, I started to somewhat recognize her. I now remember seeing her from time to time in the mirror while doing weights. She had said nothing to me out there, but she was definitely watching me. I felt her eyes burning into me the whole time.

"I guess this showers taken?" she said as a coy smile came onto her lips.

I could tell she was looking at my body. Or maybe even him.....I wouldn't be surprised because he's pretty impressive to.

"I guess." I said as I continues to wash my hair out.

I then turned away from her and started to wash out the soap in my hair.

"Do you think it has room for another?" she asked as I heard her voice come closer.

In response, I said nothing. There was no way she was just gonna strip down and get in here with me. I've never met a woman that bold before.

But I could hear her doing something behind me. I also was having a hard time trying to figure it out because she was making little to no noise.

Slowly I turned my head to the side to see what she was doing. I was surprised when I saw her to be completely naked. I guess she really is about to come in here with me.

"Whoa Whao!" I said as I ripped my eyes from her body. "What are you doing?"

"Joining you." she said as she started to walk closer to me. "You seem lonely."

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