Part 36

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Lorenzo's POV

If I knew what the fuck I was about to walk in on, I would if of just kept my ass upstairs.

Ricco had his jaw all locked and looked like he was gonna snap any moment. Ciro was griping onto the edge of the table all aggressive like a damn psychopath. Luca looked very worried, but unusually calm. Tristan looked very scared and kept searching for things with his eyes around the room. And lastly Angelo was speaking in that controlled soft tone trying his best to diffuse whatever this situation was.

Silently, I came back around the table and sat down next to Angelo. I cleared my throat and tried to regain the control I had before I left.

"So what's-" I started to say as loud yelling in Spanish erupted in the room and everyone drew their gun. Well everyone except me, I had been too slow, and now I'm being held at fucking gunpoint.

The Don had his gun pointed directly at me and Angelo had his gun pointed at him. Luca had both of his handguns pointed at the two man security standing behind the Don, which had one gun towards me and the other towards Luca. Looking down the table, I saw Klarissa's father with his gun pointed towards me and his hand was shaking like crazy. I wasn't surprised at all by it. If I were him, I'd be doing the same thing. Ricco has his gun pointed at Tristan and I was actually getting nervous that Ricco would shoot. I can tell he's extremely agitated and he's known for not always having the best impulse control. Lastly, Ciro had his gun pointed at the man holding me at gunpoint as well. He looked afraid and I just prayed he also wouldn't shoot yet.

"Alright let's just take it easy, okay." I said as I showed them my hands. "How did we even get to this point? I invited you to my home to discuss matters of business, but somehow I ended up at gunpoint."

"Why did you invite us to your home, huh?" the Don taunted as he swung his gun around. "We haven't done business together for years and now all of a sudden you are willing to help us. We've been talking in circles for hours and I can't help but get the feeling you are manipulating me."

"I invited you to my home to discuss your financial problem." I said bluntly. "Unfortunately though my marriage I have been entangled with your mafia again. We are here so I can help you."

"Help me!" he laughed. "You've been trying to burry me since I had your father killed. You cut off trade and have watched us fight to survive. So don't give me this whole generosity act."

"You act like you're surprised." I said in an annoyed tone. "This is all business. If it was up to me I would have told Tristan to fuck off when he asked for help. But I'm bound by my marriage to at least try and help. And believe it or not I'm trying to come to a fair deal for the both of us."

"So you're doing all of this for a whore." he laughed in a mocking tone. "If Tristan could've kept his daughter from spreading her legs to you everything would be so much simpler. She should've married a Spanish man like a good girl."

I glanced down at the table to look down at Tristan. Based on his body language alone, I could see anger boiling in him. I know my reputation plays a part in why people assume she's a whore. But I absolutely fucking hate it. No one knows that I'm the only one who's ever been with her, obviously. However, speaking like this about Rissa in front of her father was unbelievably disrespectful. Tristan is so over protective over Rissa and I could only image what's he's feeling right now.

"Don't you fucking disrespect my wife." my voice boomed as anger continued to fill me. "Our business doesn't concern her."

"Where is she by the way?" he continued to taunt as a smirk appeared on his lips. "What kind of husband are you when you don't even invite your own wife to dinner? She doesn't even have the decency to greet the man who's worked with her father her whole life."

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