Part 39

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Lorenzo's POV

"I need to shower." she mumbled as I unlocked the front door. "To get all the blood and gel off."

"Okay." I answered as I opened the door. "I have a few calls I have to make, but after I'll come up."

When we came through the door, Klarissa's whole family was in the entry hallway. Ciro and Angelo were there as well and they both looked beyond annoyed. It was taking everything in me not to absolutely lose my shit. The last thing Klarissa needs is her whole family starring at her swollen eyes and have them ask a bunch of questions.

I heard Rissa choke back a sob and hide behind me. Her hands gripped onto the back of my shirt and she pressed her forehead into my back.

"I can't do this." she whispered. "Why are they here?"

"I don't know." I mumbled back. That was a half truth. I had some idea why they were here. Tristan wanted to take me up on my offer.

"Lorenzo." Tristan said as he squinted his eyes at us. "I've been trying to reach you."

"I'm aware." I said as I tried to grab onto Rissa. "I've been a little preoccupied this morning and I haven't been able to answer my phone. Angelo was supposed to speak with you."

"He did." he answered back. "It's urgent Lorenzo. We need help."

Fuck me and my generosity. I should've never offered my home and money to him and his whole family.

"We'll discuss in a moment." I said as I got ahold of Klarissa's arm and pulled on it. "In the mean time everyone can make themselves comfortable."

He nodded his head but they all continued to stare.

"Smettila di fissare e mettiti al lavoro." I hissed through clenched teeth. (Stop staring and get to work."

Both Angelo and Ciro turned around and walked down the hall towards my office. They motioned at Klarissa's family to follow after then. I'm sure my brothers will stay far away till I come down and deal with everything.

"Come on baby." I said as I pulled her towards the staircase.

"Rissa what's wrong?" Alicia asked as she took a step closer towards us. "Have you been crying?"

"Please Alicia." I begged as my voice softly cracked.

Alicia's eyes went big and she look shocked by my show of emotion. She immediately backed down and watched as we went up the stairs.

I put my hand on Rissa's lower back and glanced behind us. Tristan, her mother, Alicia, Mateo, and Kim were all starring at us with so much confusion. Out of all of them Alicia was the only one who looked scared. It looked like she knew what was going on without me even having to tell her anything.

When we got to our bedroom, Rissa went straight into the bathroom. Once she was inside, she slammed the door closed.

I have no idea how to even talk to her right now. It feels like everything I could say would be the wrong thing. The last thing I want is to make her more upset then she already is.

Before I left, I wanted to check the bed. She had blood dried all over her this morning and the last thing I wanted was for her to have to see bloody sheets.

When I pulled the blanket down on her side, I saw a large blood stain. I reached for the corner  of the sheet and stripped the bed. Once I threw everything into the laundry, I threw on a new sheet and put the blanket back on.

By the time I finished, the shower still hadn't turned on. Before I left to go downstairs I just wanted to check on her.

"Baby?" I called as I knocked gently on the door. "Are you okay in there?"

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