Part 51

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Lorenzo's POV

When I woke up, my head was pounding. I knew that mixing cocaine with liquor was a bad idea, but I needed something to fill the void that I was feeling. The vague memories of what happened last night started to fill me. I had cheated on my wife with my ex girlfriend.

Standing up from the couch, I ran my hands through my tangled hair. All I could think about was getting this disgusting feeling off my skin.

When I walked into the bathroom, I unbuttoned the rest of the buttons that were still buttoned on my shirt. When I looked into the mirror, I saw a small red hickey on my neck. I felt so disgusted and disappointed with myself after last night.

What happened last night should have never happened. Due to my intoxicated state, lack of self control, and needs I dishonored my marriage. One of the only good things in my life I had ruined. I know that at some point I will have to tell Rissa what happened, but I'm scared. I'm afraid that she will leave me and I need her. She makes everything in my life better and I can't lose it.

Once I finished in the shower, I dried off and put on a fresh set of clothes. I have a couple more meeting tonight and I plan on keeping a low profile till then. Mainly, I just wanted to avoid my brothers, especially Ciro.

His face has been burned into my eyes since last night. The look of disappointment in me burned. I just really hope he doesn't tell Luca or Ricco what he walked in on.

I ordered room service to my room and I could only stomach a few bites. My stomach was weak and I felt sick to my stomach. I really tried my best to eat as much as I could, but I wasn't hungry.

Opening a pill bottle, I poured out two over the counter pain killers into my hand. Reaching over the table, I picked up my glass of water.

Before I could even pop the pills, my door was swung open. I was really cursing myself for letting my brothers have a key to my room. Privacy wasn't really a thing I had anymore.

"Where have you been?" Ricco asked as him and Luca came in. "Why weren't you at breakfast? You never miss."

"I'm hungover." I mumbled as I finally took the pills. "Maybe I just wanted some piece and quiet for once?"

"Hungover and cranky." Luca mumbled as he came over to sit across from me. Ricco followed behind him and he had a curious look in his face as he looked around the room.

"Are those panties on the floor?" Ricco asked as he pointed down at a pair of white lace underwear.

I don't remember Chanel wearing panties when she was sitting in my lap last night. Maybe she had discarded them when I wasn't looking and put them there.

I sighed in defeat and put my head down in my hands.

"Fuck Lorenzo is that is hickey?" Luca asked as he got up and pushed my head to the side so he could get a better look.

"Just fuck off." I said as I swatted him away. "I don't feel like talking right now."

"What the hell happened last night after you stormed out of your meeting?" Luca pressed as he looked at me with concern. "I handelnd everything with that guy last night by the way."

"Nothing." I lied as I looked at both of my very curious brothers. "Where's Ciro?"

"We haven't seen him all morning." Ricco said as he squinted his eyes at me.

"Stop changing the subject and spill it already." Luca said with annoyance. "Who'd you fuck last night?"

"I didn't fuck anyone." I said as I glared at him.

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