Part 48

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Klarissa's POV

When I woke, my whole body ached and my lips felt swollen. I groaned uncomfortably and sat up on the sofa I was laying on. I was in Lorenzo's office. He had his back turned towards me and he was looking out the window pensively. The sun was just starting to peer into his dark office so I knew it must be morning.

"Lorenzo?" I asked with a sore voice.

He turned around and rushed to my side. On his way over, he grabbed a glass of water and handed it to me.

"How are you feeling?" he asked softly as his hand suddenly touched my cheek.

I flinched away from him and I hated myself for it. My jumpiness is only gonna make him more worried. "Not my best."

"I changed your clothes." he said as he pulled away with a saddened look on his face. "I hope that's okay."

"Yeah." I said as I traced my hands over the clean clothes. "How long have I been out?"

"About 8 hours." he said as he looked down at his Rolex to check the time. "I've been so worried about you."

There was a hint of anger behind his concerned eyes. He was angry for what happened to me. The events at the club showed him that he's not always in control.

"I just want to forget the whole thing." I said as I pushed my hair out of my face. "Nothing happened and I'm completely fine."

Lorenzo's eyes closed and he shook his head with disapproval.

"I'm so sorry baby." he whispered as he looked back up at me. "Ciro should've watched your drinks close and monitored where you were."

"They were looking for you, Lorenzo." I said as my voice caught. "He asked me over and over where you were and I didn't give you up."

My eyes stung and I kept back my tears. There's no need to cry over this. I survived it and it's over.

"I was gonna let them rape me." I whimpered quietly. Both his hands grasped my cheeks and he pressed my forehead to his. "I felt him rubbing it between my thighs."

When that last sentence few out of my mouth, he stood up and threw one of his glasses onto the floor. Glass flew up in the air and I shook from the loud unexpected noise. Rage was radiating off of him. His chest was heaving and his hands were balled at bud sides.

"Next time you tell them." he growled as he breathed loudly. "Do you hear me! You tell them where I am and you let them have me!"

"What wife would I be if I gave you up?" I challenged. "Being wife to a Don has certain responsibilities. I will give an heir and protect you and the family."

"You are the most precious thing to me." he said as he eyes dialed in on my face. "I'm giving you an order Klarissa. As your Don, you will honor it."

"No." I said firmly as I looked up at him through my wet lashes.

He ran his hands down his face with exasperation. I could tell he didn't like my answer.

"Did they touch you anywhere else?" he asked angrily.

"No, they didn't." I reported. "They we're just rough holding me up. I don't know if my hips hurt from the fall or from them."

"Probably both." he answered. "Your lip is still a little red and when I went to change your clothes.."

Worry filled my stomach as he stopped his sentence. He looked so upset and distraught that he couldn't even finish what he had to say.

"You have bruises on you hips." he finally got out. "One large one on one hip from the fall and a bunch of small finger shaped bruises on the other."

Raw Love Vol. IIWhere stories live. Discover now