Part 49

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Klarissa's POV

Baby can we talk?" Lorenzo asked as he walked into the kitchen.

I had just gotten up an hour ago. My head has been pounding nonstop, and I'm really regretful that I got that drunk last night. This hangover is really making my life a living hell this morning.

"About what?" I asked as I continued to wash the dirty dishes.

"I have to go out of the country for business." he said as he leaned onto the counter next to me.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To one of my clubs in Dubai. I haven't been in a while, and some of my associates need my advice on handling some business." he said as he ran his hands through his hair. I could tell he was already stressing over the whole trip.

"Okay, when are we going?" I asked as I turned off the water and dried my hands.

"That's the problem. I don't want you to travel outside the country right now." he said in a serious tone. It's obvious that he's put a lot of thought into this.

If Lorenzo goes to Dubai, this will be the first time we'll have been separated since our wedding. I honestly don't know what will scare me more, him being on the other side of the world or me being alone in this house.

"Why?" I asked him.

"I have my reasons." He said through a long and drawn-out breath.

Ugh! What's with all the secrecy? 

"Okay, but who's going?" I asked as I looked over at him.

"Well, Ciro, for sure, he's already so excited. But then Luca, Ricco, and myself. I was thinking of leaving Angelo home to watch over everything. But I wanted to talk to you first about how you feel about being by yourself with Angelo." he said calmly.

"Can't you just send Angelo along with your brothers to do this. I'm afraid of being alone." I mumbled. I could feel my eyes well up with tears. After everything that has happened since the miscarriage and that night at the club, I've grown overly attached to Lorenzo. He makes me feel safe when I don't feel safe by myself.

"Baby, you won't be alone! Security and Angelo will be here to protect you. " He said as he spun his wedding ring around on his finger. I could tell that even he was a little nervous about leaving me. "Angelo is just as capable of taking care of you as I am. He doesn't sleep much either, so he'll be able to help you if something happens in the night."

"I don't know how much I can take." I said in a shaky voice.

"Of what?" He said in a soft tone.

"Of this." I said as I pointed between Lorenzo and me. "Ever since we got married, everyone wants to kill or hurt me even more. I'm scared of being here without you."

"I can't not go, Klarissa." he said. "This is important. I haven't been abroad for business for months."

I turned back to the dishes and sighed. As much as I didn't want to accept it, I had to. Theoretically, I am safe here and know Angelo will take care of me.

"Do what you have to." I said as I turned on the water and looked at the stream of water. "How long will you be gone?"

"If everything goes according to plan, just a couple of days." he answered. "But if not, we could be stuck there for a week or two."

"Okay." I said as I turned the water back off. "When are you leaving."

"Tonight around 11." Lorenzo said as he gently reached over and touched my forearm. "I know it's really sudden."

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